Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snack Pack Vol. 1 - Six Approachable 6x6 Sudokus

(Eingestellt am 21. Mai 2024, 23:14 Uhr von Teal)

Welcome! There are six 6x6 puzzles below, sorted roughly by difficulty (though all should be 1-2.5 stars). Click the puzzle image to open it in SudokuPad. For a bit of background, I've recently been setting for Rangsk's Sudoku Adventure series on YouTube (where you can find many more puzzles like the ones below). I have a lot of leftover puzzles which are either too difficult/complex for Sudoku Adventure, or which I felt had a better home here for whatever reason - below you'll find what I believe to be the best of them! I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to hear your feedback.

Racecar (Palindrome lines, Killer cages)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • Grey lines in the grid are palindrome lines. Digits filled into the lines read the same forwards and backwards. For example, 24342.
  • Some cells are surrounded by dotted lines, called "cages." Digits cannot repeat in a cage. The digits in a cage sum to the value in the top left, if given.

Tilted (X Sudoku)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • Place the digits 1-6 exactly once on each marked diagonal.

Never Odd or Even (Palindrome lines, Same Parity lines)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • Grey lines in the grid are both palindrome and same parity lines. Digits filled into the lines read the same forwards and backwards. For example, 24342. Additionally, digits on the same grey line are all the same parity (all even/all odd).
  • Digits separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio, meaning one is exactly double the other. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Countess (Arrows)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • There are circles in the grid with attached arrows. The digit in the circle is equal to the sum of the digits on the attached arrow. Digits are allowed to repeat along arrows as normally allowed by other rules.

Quadki (Quadruple Kropki Dots)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • There are black and white dots in the grid. For each dot, consider each pair of diagonally opposite digits surrounding that dot. For black dots, each diagonal pair have a 1:2 ratio, meaning one is exactly double the other. For white dots, each diagonal pair is consecutive.

Silly Banz (Renban lines, Inequalities)

  • Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
  • Purple lines in the grid are Renban lines. Digits on a line form a set of non-repeating, consecutive digits in any order.
  • The inequality ">" symbols point from a larger digit to an adjacent smaller digit.

Lösungscode: The top left digit (r1c1) of each puzzle in the order as presented above.

Gelöst von nunc, StephenEsven, seh_bas, BlackWolf, RickiFerrara, fuxia, flaemmchen, pkratz22, PinkNickels, SKORP17, marcmees, Gramor, Raistlen, coreydixon, dingledork, chamedasaesse, Montikulum, LehanLehan, ... maniacaljackal, Crul, zrbakhtiar, Pisu, sockerbecca, rcg, pepe74287, Rearden, bpcobra96, Demonly7, Onyx, jalebc, Uhu, FlareglooM, BlackApolloX, latters176, permafrostyx, dan19, PippoForte, tuturitu
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am 13. August 2024, 11:51 Uhr von permafrostyx

am 23. Mai 2024, 08:16 Uhr von LehanLehan
I think it's a little bit hard for beginners,but overall the pack is really nice and has neat logic in all puzzles,so thank you very much.

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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