Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Highway 369

(Eingestellt am 20. Mai 2024, 01:16 Uhr von damasosos92)

This puzzle uses a ruleset that I made for a Speed Setting Competition held by dumediat. There is already a published puzzle with this ruleset, that I recommend you to try and I hope there will be more in the future.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Arrows: digits along an arrow must sum to that arrow's circled number. If the circled number takes two cells, it has to be read as a 2-digits number from left to right.

Easy as 369: Outside the grid are placed digits from the set {3,6,9}. A digit outside the grid indicate which digit in the set {3,6,9} is seen first from that direction in the respective row or column.

Highway 369 is also available online on Sudokupad.

Have fun solving and please, leave a comment after your solve!

Lösungscode: Row 4, left to right

Gelöst von idanz, goodcity, OhHeyGuysItsMax, wang, mnasti2, apendleton, Mozart40, jalebc, awesomesauce, Grothenlace, emsou, Nagesh, pepe74287, Sonki, Megalobrainiac, Ambrose, ClashCode, RebelSystem, SKORP17, ... marcmees, Crul, Brodie2000, teuthida, AvonD, Snookerfan, dublaypt, MalkoMann2, lmdemasi, Ygoo, karen_birgitta, fstilus, SparklePuzzle, Askloomok, zrbakhtiar, timww572, PippoForte, Bellsita
Komplette Liste


am 20. Mai 2024, 08:47 Uhr von emsou
Interesting. I had to write out some of the possible arrow combinations to solve this because I couldn't keep them all in my head.

am 20. Mai 2024, 03:33 Uhr von mnasti2
Neat and fun!

am 20. Mai 2024, 02:05 Uhr von goodcity
Nice ! Such a fun puzzle with some (un)expected patterns !
Thanks for creating this ruleset and recommanding my previous puzzle :).

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:39 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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