Normal fog of war sudoku rules apply.
Lines travel orthogonally or diagonally through the centers of cells. They do not branch and do not cross themselves or each other. All given lines are a different colour. A grey dot may hide part of a line.
Lines are region-subset lines: Box borders divide lines into segments. If a digit appears in a segment of length N, it must appear in all segments of length N or greater on that line. All lines have at least two segments.
In addition, a digit on a line indicates the number of times that digit appears on that line.
Lösungscode: Row 2
am 7. Februar 2025, 11:24 Uhr von goldennumber
A thing of beauty - delicious start to the puzzle, wasn't sure if I was being very logical but the fog disappearing for the first 3 digits was a big relief!
am 24. November 2024, 20:04 Uhr von cyddrdrd
Brilliant break-in!
am 11. Juli 2024, 06:58 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
That was wonderful! Very satisfying to find the break-in and first digit
am 30. Mai 2024, 23:08 Uhr von applesauce
loved the break-in
am 30. Mai 2024, 22:17 Uhr von wuc
Cool idea. Smooth and tricky. Thx.
am 30. Mai 2024, 01:30 Uhr von ascension
Fun puzzle. I had to use an eyedropper in a drawing app to determine how many given lines there were, but the puzzle flowed pretty smoothly after that.
am 29. Mai 2024, 22:56 Uhr von cam
Darn, I was hoping to finish this one before the inevitable feature. This puzzle really utilized my secret technique: just stare at it until it makes sense ;)
Beautiful fog of war--very unique and fun. Thanks :)
am 29. Mai 2024, 22:33 Uhr von Mennoo_
Puzzle title: "Taron"
rules: "... do not cross themselves or each other."
That name isn't very suiting to the puzzle then, knowing Taron is one of the coasters with the most crossovers.
(Also, why do I only notice now all those coaster names for your puzzles xD)
Brilliant puzzle tho! Fantastic breakin to the puzzle. One of the best fog-of-war puzzles out there for sure
am 28. Mai 2024, 19:11 Uhr von TheBestThatICouldDo
great break-in - and great use of fog. I love how the fog doesn't just guide the solve path, but also is very involved in the logic
am 27. Mai 2024, 16:31 Uhr von antiknight
Great break-in!
am 26. Mai 2024, 15:46 Uhr von hui
Great puzzle. I think the given number 7 must be shown outside the fog, otherwise the first step cannot be deduced.
am 25. Mai 2024, 17:58 Uhr von Cane_Puzzles
am 24. Mai 2024, 16:48 Uhr von tonald
The break-in is fast, but i got stuck about how the line goes, untile i realized an important digit.
am 24. Mai 2024, 15:29 Uhr von giladooshlon
As others have mentioned, the difficulty of this puzzle stems from the novelty of the rule set, and you've set a wonderful puzzle to showcase the power of those rules.
For me, I deduced most properties of the lines pretty quickly, but took a longer time to appreciate another simple fact. Once you have all of them, the path unfolds quite readily.
am 23. Mai 2024, 20:23 Uhr von bansalsaab
Breakin was amazing.
am 23. Mai 2024, 18:54 Uhr von ashisstuff
loved this. at the start i was so confused how any progress could be made until i had an "aha" moment and it all made sense. felt a bit more like 4 stars than 5 for me, but i might have just found the break-in quicker. either way, great puzzle
am 23. Mai 2024, 17:57 Uhr von OGRussHood
Wow, that was insanely brilliant! Well done as always, IcyFruit!
am 23. Mai 2024, 17:53 Uhr von econtrout
Thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle. I loved the logic. The rule set was a bit tough at first, but quite fun and led to great logic. I thought the grey dot had its place.
am 23. Mai 2024, 16:04 Uhr von spoonfed
Enjoyed it a lot, thanks.
am 23. Mai 2024, 15:16 Uhr von sanabas
unique breakin, fantastic puzzle.