Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Phil, The Whippet

(Eingestellt am 20. Mai 2024, 12:35 Uhr von Mr Toffee)

Normales sudoku


(O) Birnen ≤ Tipps ( I )

Zahlen sollten entlang des Thermometers von der Birne zur Spitze nicht abnehmen


Das Dreieck ist ein Ventil.

Fließt fließen wie Quecksilber von den Birnen über die Ventile zu den Spitzen.

( O ) Birnen ≤ Ventile ≤ Spitzen ( I )

Im Wesentlichen, Ventile fungieren als Spitzen für Birnen und als Birnen für Spitzen.

In herrlichem Technicolor

In prächtigem Monochrom

Lösungscode: R1 links nach rechts

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Mai 2024, 18:17 Uhr

Gelöst von kkli, horseradish1, Gosciola19, running_fatty, Guillem98, alexsmart, kiksou, BBoris, NineK, seeppp, SKORP17, jhsa, Shearing, PinkNickels, AdamGaffney96, jalebc, hige, stonetim, Sralser, Banana, Crul, ... maglia, flaemmchen, zhangjinyang, ManuH, jgarber, yusuf17, Raistlen, Javier Rebottaro, timww572, Uhu, logik66, Martini&Toto, RobertBe, elpizw, Drawoon, godofthunder, Dez256, radium, ParaNox, Carolin
Komplette Liste


am 20. Mai 2024, 18:00 Uhr von stonetim
Fun puzzle. Nice and easy.

I agree that the Valve is completely unnecessary in this puzzle, since we logically need to satisfy both thermos that run into it.

It would be useful in a puzzle that branches flow into multiple thermos in which the flow direction has not been provided as part of the puzzle.

am 20. Mai 2024, 16:09 Uhr von Mr Toffee
Took out some of the superfluous waffle in the rules following horseradish1's great feedback. To be honest, an arrow of sorts could deal with it smoothly in this particular puzzle... but valves have their uses too (I promise) and so, despite early failure, I'm sticking to it for now. You know of The Sunk-Cost Fallacy? Yeah...

am 20. Mai 2024, 15:42 Uhr von PinkNickels
Fun speed run. Got 6:18. Thanks for keeping this series alive!

am 20. Mai 2024, 13:46 Uhr von horseradish1
This is a fine puzzle, but I'd recommend rewording that valve rule. I spent several minutes trying to figure out what it was trying to say while staring at the puzzle, before feeling pretty sure I could solve the puzzle while ignoring it, and it wasn't until I was most of the way through the solve that I realised that the rule is just there to make sure we know that the thermo does not increase in the direction of R4C5 to R5C6.

There's definitely a clearer way to word it without the flowery description of "valves vent and determine flow".

Common sense told me not to increase the digits in that direction, and there's definitely a simpler way you could write that rule.

Bewertung:80 %
Gelöst:66 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal


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