Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Is V Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal to 5? (Revised)

(Eingestellt am 17. Mai 2024, 22:36 Uhr von HalfBakedLunatic)

Here is a seriously fun challenge. It may take a bit to wrap your head around the logic, there are a few key insights you will need to make ... and then you will need to figure out how to apply those insights to the puzzle overall.

NOTE: This is a revised version of the puzzle. In the CTC Video, Mark exploited a hole in my logic which resulted in a shortcut, making the second half of his solve much easier than intended. This revision forces the solver down the intended (more difficult) solution path! (so you might be a bit lost if you are trying to follow the video. The original version of the puzzle is: Is V Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal to 5 (Original)

The Rules:
• Normal Sudoku rules apply
• "V" can be either "inequality" (points to smaller digit) or "digits sum to 5" or both. If the two digits do sum to 5, the "V" can be in any orientation and does not necessarily indicate greater than/less than.
• Digits must not repeat in cells that are a knight's move apart.
• The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner.
• Entering a correct digit will clear the fog from around that cell.

Solve Online here (right-click and open in new tab):
Is V Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal to 5? (Cracking The Cryptic)

Leave a comment and let me know how you like it!

Puzzle by David Workman (aka "HalfBakedLunatic")

Lösungscode: Row 4, left to right

Gelöst von Piff, avishai, SudokuHero, jalebc, peacherwu2, Krokant, SKORP17, x3y2z1, mbrandtwls, Criptonight, CrippledLamp, BobAndWeave, SPring, bansalsaab, dead_homer, SirRookie, OGRussHood, zhangjinyang, jinkela114514, morgannamodeaura, MrQubo, Uhu, Leilalu222, Raistlen, Sewerin, michaal94, widjo, Katchoo
Komplette Liste


am 16. Oktober 2024, 15:03 Uhr von Katchoo
Grandios! Farben und Nebel!Ganz ganz toll!

am 19. Mai 2024, 17:28 Uhr von Criptonight
Perfect. Ik ben het ermee eens dat dit een upgrade is. Het is een kunstwerk!

am 18. Mai 2024, 21:37 Uhr von mbrandtwls
I think I went through the 'intended' solution path on the original puzzle, I was quite shocked when I saw the CTC video and he never used the <> symbols to fully resolve the lower digits!

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:28 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal


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