Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Parity Peculiarity

(Eingestellt am 14. Mai 2024, 02:23 Uhr von yanggang)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Circled digits indicate how many of the up to 9 cells surrounding the circle (including itself) have the same parity (even/odd) as itself. Not all such circles are necessarily given.

Play in the CTC App

If you enjoyed this puzzle and the logic of the circles indicating parity, check out my previous puzzle, Parity Hilarity:

Lösungscode: Column 8

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Mai 2024, 06:16 Uhr

Gelöst von m0rkoli, SimiC, Piff, StefanSch, Floorball36, Maxima, alexsmart, SKORP17, mihel111, kublai, Wahaj, agueybana, SudokuHero, marcmees, Bertfaz, notluigi64, Propargyl, cryptique, rameshsrivats, ... Crul, lianarox, CrippledLamp, The Bard, AvonD, Calesch, Snookerfan, RedBulls75, brimmy, b413x, karen_birgitta, paranoid, SparklePuzzle, Marl, Julianl, MaxSmartable, humaLautema, asver, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 16. Mai 2024, 06:30 Uhr

am 15. Mai 2024, 07:26 Uhr von SudokuHero
not all such circles are given *or* not all such circles are necessarily given?
Reply: Thanks for the note, I changed the wording.

am 14. Mai 2024, 07:03 Uhr von yanggang
I fixed a mistake in the original upload (one of the circles was in the wrong position).

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Mai 2024, 07:06 Uhr

am 14. Mai 2024, 05:17 Uhr von johnyzzh
May you check the puzzle is somehow wrong.
Reply: You are right, I fixed it. Thank you for pointing this out!

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:39 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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