Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diamond interactions

(Eingestellt am 11. Mai 2024, 15:10 Uhr von palpot)

Thanks to Scojo for the inspiration for this puzzle! as this puzzle was set for their weekly prompt, featuring Dutch whispers and lockout lines.


Normal sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 to 9 in each Row, Column, and 3X3 box.

Dutch whispers: Two cells connected by an orange line must have a difference of at least 4.

Lockout lines: Digits along the light-blue line must not be between (or equal to) the digits on the diamond ends of the line, which have a difference of at least 4. (See examples below if necessary.)

Inequality: The inequality points to the smaller of the two adjacent digits (R8C3 is smaller than R8C2).

Solve online: SudokuPad

Lockout lines examples: A line with 2 and 7 on its diamond ends may only contain the digits 1, 8, and 9. 3 and 6 cannot be on the diamonds of the same line since their difference is less than 4.

Lösungscode: Row 7 digits from left to right.

Gelöst von jalebc, SKORP17, Xalothros, sarabtx, Scojo, marty_sears, Flinty, Black_Doom, lmdemasi, ThePedallingPianist, zer0keefie, SamuPiano, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


am 2. Juni 2024, 22:20 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist
Great setting and a very smooth flow to it! Not too difficult but very satisfying to unwind :D

am 14. Mai 2024, 19:28 Uhr von marty_sears
Beautiful logic, and beautiful grid :)

Gelöst:13 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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