Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Edge of Reason

(Published on 7. May 2024, 12:34 by Abdul the Killer)

Standard Sudoku rules apply.

Cells containing numbers exactly one greater than an immediate neighbour (diagonal or orthogonal) within their box are shaded (and otherwise unshaded).

Cells with circles contain odd numbers.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 1

Last changed on -

Solved by Dentones, fuxia, Brodie2000, SKORP17, Abbott Abbott, Da Letter El, pms_headache, Tamuha, ryanprobably, Chelo, PippoForte, paranoid, frankpujo, faisalaak, zrbakhtiar, lovely, Bankey, salamis99, asver, Shuhua Milk, michalil, Schnugs
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on 25. September 2024, 23:36 by Shuhua Milk

Last changed on 28. May 2024, 14:28

on 26. May 2024, 20:36 by frankpujo
Great puzzles as always by ATK
---Thanks for saying. ---ATK

Last changed on 26. May 2024, 12:16

on 26. May 2024, 03:13 by shteev
Something about this puzzle just absolutely bakes my brain. I've been at it for weeks and I just can't stop making unforced errors.
---I truly didn't intend this puzzle to be that difficult (mea culpa).

I'm glad you're sticking with it. If you feel you ever have to give up, email me what progress you are certain of and I'll happily give you the most minimal of hints to push you on.

Good luck! ---ATK

Last changed on 14. May 2024, 14:36

on 8. May 2024, 15:12 by ryanprobably
Fantastic again! Definitely ramps up in the middle
---Glad you enoyed it. Thanks for the comment and the solve. ---ATK

Last changed on 14. May 2024, 14:35

on 8. May 2024, 13:21 by Tamuha
This puzzle includes some very hard deductions in the early to mid solve, but then flows pretty quick.
It isn't always exactly clear where to look for the next clue, I had to hunt quite a bit for them.
What amazes me is that this grid solves without any given digits or additional rules. Or all the odds given like in "Trypophobia".
---With only 12 solves after an entire week I have to conclude that this puzzle is harder than I imagined. It is true, some of the clues sneakily hide themselves away.

Thanks for the solve and the comment. ---ATK

Rating:93 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:12 times

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