Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pêcher pour pêches (Killer Sudoku with Same Size Same Sum)

(Published on 27. April 2024, 23:58 by purpl)

I have reworked several versions of this puzzle that I liked or did not like for various reasons. I have finally landed on something which doesn't have anything I don't like. However, I do greatly miss some deductions which have been discarded through this process. Enjoy it for there have been sacrifices made for its creation!


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits cannot repeat within a cage.

Cages of the same size must have the same sum distinct from cages of other sizes.


CtC Webapp

Penpa+ with answer check


If you enjoyed this puzzle, consider leaving a rating and comment or better yet recommend it to your fellow solvers! I hope you do so for all the puzzles you enjoy ;)

I have a YouTube channel where we discuss puzzles and setting them. Including interviews of Phistomefel, Agent, dumediat, fjam, and more.

Solution code: Row 7 followed by column 9 (left to right, top to bottom, no spaces, 18 digits).

Last changed on on 28. April 2024, 15:54

Solved by SKORP17, MicroStudy, Snookerfan, Megalobrainiac, CHRosenthal, cdwg2000, Yawnus, marvellousminty, cristophermoore, Piatato, SamuPiano, xyxaxan, starwarigami, Palfly Kampling, PippoForte, steeto, Silverstep, Dentones
Full list


on 10. August 2024, 06:19 by SamuPiano

on 8. August 2024, 23:51 by Piatato
Tough one, but it yields a tiny bit of information each time one squeezes it hard enough. :)

on 25. May 2024, 07:57 by cristophermoore
A very clever and (for me) very challenging sequence of deductions!

on 28. April 2024, 15:54 by purpl
Added links to penpa and f-puzzles

on 28. April 2024, 15:43 by purpl
Changed difficulty based on feedback

on 28. April 2024, 12:41 by Snookerfan
Very nice and brutal! Thank you

Rating:93 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:10 times

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