Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6x6 Loop-Pack: Volume 2 (Modular, Nabner, Counting)

(Eingestellt am 23. April 2024, 19:34 Uhr von gdc)

This is the follow-up to Volume 1 and should be slightly harder than the precursor, but still approachable. Each of these puzzles uses "loop-finding" and "sight-lines".

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells. The loop can't touch itself, not even diagonally.
  • Circles are on the loop. Squares are not on the loop.
  • A digit in a circle/square counts how many cells of the same type (loop/non-loop) it sees in the row and column, including itself. The other type blocks vision.

Each puzzle contains an additional loop-constraint that is inspired by common variant-sudoku clues (such as modular lines). Click on the images to solve the puzzles on SudokuPad. If you are new to loop-puzzles or sight-lines, there are examples (with images) below. Thanks to all the testers!

Modular Lines
Nabner Lines
Counting Circles

Explanation: Loops

Drawing an orthogonal loop means that each cell on the loop shares an edge with exactly two other cells on the loop. Since the loop can't touch diagonally, the "interior" of the loop is also orthogonally connected (i.e. "edge-connected").

✔ A Valid Loop
✘ Touches Diagonally
✘ Moves Diagonally

Explanation: Sight-Lines (Circles, Squares)

Circles count the number of seen loop-cells in the same row and column with non-loop cells blocking the vision. They always count themselves so a sight-line clue can never be 0. Squares do the same but they count non-loop cells. The images below show examples of valid fills for circles and squares. Colored cells are seen by those clues.

Volume 3!

If you liked those puzzles, you might want to check out Volume 3 of this pack.

Lösungscode: The last three digits from row 6 of each puzzle (3 digits each, 9 digits total)

Zuletzt geändert am 19. September 2024, 05:49 Uhr

Gelöst von palpot, LehanLehan, Woody03130, AdamGaffney96, maniacaljackal, goodcity, efnenu, abadx, Krokant, yttrio, tiredsudoku, MPR, zrbakhtiar, JohnDoeJersey, TNGuy, Myxo, meowme, EFlatMinor, marcmees, gotem, ... lordovol, dustpan, timelzayus, BarbieX, Kallor, ThymePass, Kyriaas, KingIsulgard, widjo, ranalloatl2, OJPS, PippoForte, martin1456, Suxamethonium, Jensa, Ploctypus, vmirandaa, JoBerlin, pigeonsteps
Komplette Liste


am 19. September 2024, 05:49 Uhr von gdc
add link to volume 3

am 18. September 2024, 16:48 Uhr von ThymePass
Three fun puzzles and as you noted, these are tougher than loop pack 1. It's amazing what can be done with a couple of circles and squares!

I have found the puzzles very educational. Thank you for putting this pack together :) I too am looking forward to Vol. 3.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. September 2024, 05:51 Uhr

am 17. September 2024, 11:19 Uhr von timelzayus
Great puzzles!
How's Volume 3 coming along?
Can't wait ^^'
gdc: Thanks! Volume 3 is already out. I just forgot to link to it from this puzzle page. The link has been added now.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Mai 2024, 15:03 Uhr

am 17. Mai 2024, 15:03 Uhr von CHalb
Wow, very interesting minimalistic settings! Thank you :) .

am 30. April 2024, 17:22 Uhr von tillotman
Really lovely a-ha moments in these! Definitely harder than pack 1, really enjoyed it.

am 24. April 2024, 19:23 Uhr von yanggang
Smooth like honey. I don't know if I got better but the last one seemed much easier.

am 24. April 2024, 09:20 Uhr von Myxo
Very nice! The counting circles puzzle was especially great.

am 24. April 2024, 04:41 Uhr von yttrio
Another fun, bit-sized snack! These felt a bit trickier overall than the first pack, but there was some great new loop logic used.

am 23. April 2024, 23:32 Uhr von goodcity
Just played both of the 6x6 pack. They were both nicely constructed with some fresh logic every time. Thank you for setting and sharing !

am 23. April 2024, 20:57 Uhr von LehanLehan
Very tasty,thanks a lot.

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:74 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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