Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Halving Loop

(Eingestellt am 19. April 2024, 14:46 Uhr von yttrio)

If a loop can double values, then why not halve them?


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's bulb.

Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells. The loop may not touch itself, not even diagonally.

Digits on the loop count as half their value for the purposes of arrows. Note that this may result in non-integer values.


6x6 Example:

The image below shows a sample 6x6 puzzle and solution with the same rule set.
Play the example 6x6 in SudokuPad.

Lösungscode: Digits on the loop in row 7 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in column 7 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von Mad-Tyas, SKORP17, SudokuHero, tuturitu, bansalsaab, palpot, marcmees, Jesper, Paletron, Arashdeep Singh, sorryimLate, gynu, MagnusJosefsson, galgamer, Mr_tn, Mutx, deltameth, Jolly Rogers, giladooshlon, Lizzy01, han233ing, OGRussHood, karen_birgitta, misko, dogfarts, LehanLehan, tome_coelho, QuiltyAsCharged, KurtSchneider, ChinStrap, Uhu
Komplette Liste


am 25. Juni 2024, 00:43 Uhr von ChinStrap
This was wonderful!

am 20. Juni 2024, 21:12 Uhr von KurtSchneider
very pleasing solve path, flowed very nicely! maybe easier to think of the whole grid doubled if you know what i mean...

am 26. April 2024, 14:06 Uhr von OGRussHood
Simon Anthony: "You can't write a half into a sudoku cell."
Sudoku setters on LMD: "Hold my beer."

am 20. April 2024, 23:56 Uhr von Arashdeep Singh
Very smooth flow of logic, really fun puzzle, thanks!

am 20. April 2024, 12:23 Uhr von marcmees
very nice. thanks.

am 20. April 2024, 01:02 Uhr von palpot
Beautiful puzzle!! I enjoyed it a lot!

am 19. April 2024, 19:46 Uhr von bansalsaab
I thought i had solved it after the breakin but it got harder. I probably missed a trick in the middle.

am 19. April 2024, 15:38 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Great puzzle!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:31 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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