This puzzle was created for the weekly prompt from Scojo. This week is about quads and ten-lines. I decided to theme the puzzle around the fact that given digits are often harder to use than variant clues ("hiding in plain sight"). If the styling is too harsh on your scanning, use the alt. link for a more traditional style of clues and givens. Thanks to the CtC discord for testing.
Play on SudokuPad, Play on SudokuPad (alt. link)
Lösungscode: Row 1 left to right (9 digits).
am 15. April 2024, 17:50 Uhr von heliopolix
Very suspicious. Also, very fun!
am 14. April 2024, 16:19 Uhr von TheBestThatICouldDo
So nice. I liked the styling of it, with the oversized quads. I feel like there is some sort of relationship between athletics and the logic of certain puzzles that I can't quite describe but that I really enjoy... And whatever that is you've nailed it here... I think maybe it has something to do with feeling compelled to think about ten lines as though they were quads somehow, and then finding that to kind of work? There Some really nice moments throughout this..
am 12. April 2024, 17:13 Uhr von Flinty
Very nice, really enjoyed that. :)