Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hexagonal fillomino

(Eingestellt am 11. April 2024, 14:33 Uhr von lazyname1218)

Divide the grid into regions and write in cells the size of the region they're in. The sizes of regions must be a single digit number.

In this puzzle, not two regions have the same size and all of them must have at least one cell touched by a green line.

Digits along a green line differ by at least 5. Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.

Solve in penpa+

This was supposed to be part of an extention for one of my scratch projects but procrastinated on making the editor I really wanted and so it never got released. This is my favourite of that extention.


Lösungscode: The middle "row" (7 cells)

Gelöst von MicroStudy, jkuo7, Statistica, Jesper, AKernel, ONeill, MagnusJosefsson, JustinTucker, misko, Steven R, Luigi, jessica6, sth, SudokuExplorer, zeneszerzo, ascension, Niku, Mark Sweep, Al Fresco, MaizeGator, uvo
Komplette Liste

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:21 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Hexagonal

Lösung abgeben

