Friendly Divisor Cave
(Eingestellt am 6. April 2024, 20:25 Uhr von Migu)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Digits separated by a white dot must be consecutive.
- Shade the cells whose digit is a multiple or a divisor of its row, column, or box number. (Examples given under the image.) One shaded cell is given.
- All shaded cells must be connected orthogonally by other shaded cells to the edge of the grid, and the remaining unshaded cells must form one orthogonally connected area.
- Circles cannot be shaded, and represent the total number of unshaded cells that can be seen in a straight line vertically or horizontally, including itself.
Play on SudokuMaker
Play on SudokuPad
- R5C7 (in box 6) should be shaded if it contains 1,2,3,5,6, or 7, and unshaded if it contains 4,8, or 9.
- R4C3 (in box 4) should be shaded if it contains 1,2,3,4,6,8, or 9, and unshaded if contains 5 or 7.
Lösungscode: Row 1
Zuletzt geändert am 21. April 2024, 04:34 Uhr
Gelöst von lmdemasi, josh_johnson, fajoogaloo, SKORP17, Zandi, isajo4002, SeveNateNine
am 6. April 2024, 23:55 Uhr von fajoogaloo
Somehow got a deduction wrong and got the wrong value in one of the circles. I loved the puzzle though, so it just meant I got to do this wonderful puzzle twice :)
am 6. April 2024, 22:18 Uhr von lmdemasi
A very cool idea. Really had to think a lot about divisibility. Thanks for sharing.