Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 25. March 2024, 17:31 by Kafkapharnaum)

Huge thanks to bodemeister for testing this one and for the general support, and who, incidentally, is also concocting one, so, something to be looked forward to! (And you can also find a comprehensive list here) dopplperschg


– Divide the grid into 9 regions, each made of 9 orthogonally connected cells. The regions and the grid as a whole must follow the Doppelganger rules as described below
– The digit in the top left cell of a region (ie, its leftmost cell in its highest row) is its region number. All region numbers must be different, and together they must form a set of the digits 1 to 9

– Every row, column, and region must contain the digit 0 always, as well as eight out of the nine digits from 1 to 9 (ie, it will be missing one digit that is not 0)
– No two rows, no two columns, and no two regions may be missing the same digit
– For each 0 in the grid, the digits missing in its row, its column, and its region must be three different digits

– A digit in a circle indicates the sum of the digits along the connected arrow
– Digits may repeat along an arrow line if allowed by the other rules. Zeros always have a null value
– Every arrow tip must belong to a region that is missing the digit from its arrow circle (Doppelganger)

SOLVING LINKS (with tracking cells – the region tracking 3x3 can be used in any way you see fit)
Solve on the CTC app
Solve on Penpa

Solution code: The digit missing in each region, when reading the regions in their numbered order (ie, region 1, region 2, etc.)

Last changed on on 8. August 2024, 03:13

Solved by bodemeister, warpdrive628, nuzzopa, Azireo, MadHypnofrog, henrypijames, SeveNateNine, jkuo7, karen_birgitta, kublai, feethy, KenGlue, Chilly, wullemuus, misko, Yann, MxTery, Sewerin, marcmees, TitaniaLowe, BeeBoi, h5663454, The Book Wyrm, DaleVandermeer, dogfarts, Gnosis66, chrisj50, Silverstep, zakkai, Clara123, earthpuzzles, gfoot, Da Letter El
Full list


Last changed on 5. September 2024, 15:47

on 5. September 2024, 08:10 by Silverstep
This is the first doppelganger I solve, which is probably not the best introduction with the ruleset considering it barely use the doppel rule (・_・;) I had a great time though, thank you!

I'm normally a completionist, but I clicked the link to Technodrome and it was mentioned that there are over a hundred of these... (@_@;) Do you have like, one or two Doppelgangers you would suggest I try out next? Preference is a short ruleset, and I wouldn't mind helping an unrated puzzle get more solves.

EDIT: I also love your puzzle titles! They sound so... grand, and like... cool. COSMOGONY. TECHNODROME. Butter Cat Paradox. ok maybe that last one was more dorky than cool, but I like it anyway.
Haha, thank you for that comment about the titles – if my ‘Doppelganger’ puzzles end up being completely dated (now that we see other setter use the ruleset), I’ll likely still remain fond of them if only because of that XD

And thank you of course for the solve and comment(s), I’m glad you had a good time with it! Indeed, it’s a peculiar one to start, but ultimately, probably the best one, as it allows multiple ways to progress, likely including some more preferential ways for the solvers

For the next one(s) to attempt, well given the remark about helping one getting rated, that would then definitely be the OG “Nanodoppelgangers” (0008YF), which currently stands at 10 solves. It’s four 4x4’s working together as one multigrid puzzle, that uses the ruleset specificities extensively
As for the huge number, well, a very large part are just 4x4’s, a number of 5x5’s 6x6’s, etc, only a selection of which are here on LMD (like the ‘Discord Line Squadron’ selection). Whether you want to consider the entire lot as part of the ‘canon’, so to speak, is up to you, and I certainly won’t hold it against you if you don’t :-)

Last changed on 14. August 2024, 23:17

on 10. August 2024, 22:48 by chrisj50
Wow that was monstrously tough but absolutely beautiful. Was on the brink of giving up a few times but glad I persisted. I’m not great with CC and found keeping note of regions + shading 0’s/not 0’s required all my brain capacity! Mercifully light on the DG logic until the endgame & finishing off those regions. Thanks again for another outstanding puzzle :)
I was forgetting to properly reply on here, thank you so much for this solve and kind words, and congrats on pulling through despite the struggles. I was confident you would though, and you've slayed quite a number of these beasts at this point -- puzzles that took me months to conceptualize and build, congrats! And thanks again, as it's always a special feeling when these are solved and enjoyed :-)

on 10. May 2024, 17:45 by The Book Wyrm
Fun puzzle!
Quite a lot of interesting logic in this one. Pretty interesting ruleset - the way the arrows affect the regions is interesting.
Like the fun arithmatic, and with how you can't really use standard logic due to 0s.

Last changed on 9. April 2024, 15:52

on 9. April 2024, 13:32 by marcmees
one of the most challenging but also beautiful entries into a CC puzzle. Thanks
Thank you so much for such kind words, that really means a lot coming from such an accomplished solver -- I'm thrilled you enjoyed this offering!

Last changed on 7. April 2024, 01:22

on 6. April 2024, 22:55 by MxTery
Quite a lovely CC! I loved the break-in, and it's quite enjoyable to do a puzzle that makes you work hard on the break-in and then goes smoothly afterward.
Haha, I see what you mean -- and I did have another idea for it that maybe could have added some magic to the first half, but I had the feeling that even if I could somehow pull it off, it could only end in the most atrocious finish, and I ended up setting on this idea. Glad you enjoyed! :D

Last changed on 4. April 2024, 22:52

on 4. April 2024, 20:20 by Yann
Very nice and kind of smooth, with all these intricately woven arrows unraveling beautifully, thanks for this doppelganger CC (I'm still working on one...) !
Thank you so much for the solve and kind words, and especially for mentioning that about the arrows, as while they might look borderline random at first glance, a whole lot of thought (and tries...) went into making them exactly what they are, and where they are -- sure wasn't a first try puzzle haha
And it's wild to think that before long there could be three (even possibly four) Dopplelganger CC puzzles on the site :O So, wishing you all the best on that endeavor, and many thanks again!

Last changed on 31. March 2024, 22:43

on 31. March 2024, 19:54 by Chilly
Very nice - got stuck at one point and had to come back to it, but when I did it suddenly became clear and flowed very nicely.
A great many thanks for the solve and kind words -- it's certainly an unusual puzzle and it's no surprise that many got stuck at one point or another. So well done again, and I'm glad you enjoyed! :D

Last changed on 27. March 2024, 15:16

on 27. March 2024, 11:17 by SeveNateNine
Really wonderful puzzle!
Thank you so much for your solve(s) and for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed! :D

Last changed on 27. March 2024, 06:29

on 27. March 2024, 06:28 by Kafkapharnaum
(Clarified part of the arrow rules, thanks Henry 'Pi' James!)

Last changed on 26. March 2024, 15:45

on 26. March 2024, 15:07 by Azireo
A brutal puzzle, I got particularly stuck at one point, but relatively smooth the rest of the time. Very nice logic overall, it is such a wonder to see it all unfold following the rules! This is quiet the step up in difficulty from your tutorial ;) Very well done!
Yeah, I tried and tried but I could never quite manage to create a nice smooth progression from puzzle to puzzle for the ruleset, in part because well, I’m still discovering new things about it, and also because a lot of the fun is to create grids that would be impossible with just normal sudoku haha. Anyway, thank you so much for the solve and kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed! :D

Last changed on 26. March 2024, 01:45

on 26. March 2024, 00:52 by warpdrive628
My goodness this was difficult. Simon please look at this one! Awesome setting!
Thank you for your perseverance and kind words, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it :D As for this one being featured though, ha, I wouldn't hold my breath for that. And honestly, if one of my puzzle is ever to get featured, I'd rather it be my 'Maverick', for obvious reason XD

Last changed on 25. March 2024, 18:38

on 25. March 2024, 18:12 by bodemeister
This is quite possibly the most elegant chaos construction I have ever seen and I loved solving it. The puzzle is full of new logic with interactions between regions and circles. One must be extra careful as 0 can appear on arrows and there are missing digits. Many of the arrows are very cleverly and subtly placed. In the end, there was just a single pair left and even that needed some trickery to unwind. Feel very satisfied to have solved this with no bifurcation in 2.5 hours, and it was an honor to test this gem.
Goodness, it's me who's honored! Thanks so much again for testing and for entering your solve, and for such heartwarming words. It really means a lot, and all the more so that I know you've taken time you could have put on your own creation, and in the middle of a busy work schedule to boot, I don't even know what to say! :D

Rating:99 %
Solved:33 times
Observed:13 times

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