UMBRAMETER: The Speed of Dark
(Eingestellt am 7. April 2024, 05:00 Uhr von Will Power)
Normal Sudoku rules apply. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with a black dot between them (meter needle) are in a ratio of 2:1. Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Not all possible dots are shown. DUTCH WHISPERS(+)- Numbers on red lines (meter body) are at least 4 apart from their neighbors on the line. ALL NUMBERS on red lines are UNIQUE TO THAT LINE. No lines have any numbers in common with the other two lines. MIN/MAX- Cells with (Greater than) pointing outward are greater than all adjacent cells. Cells with (Less than) pointing inward are less than all adjacent cells. LITTLE KILLER- Numbers outside the grid are the sum of the indicated diagonal.
Solve on CTC
Lösungscode: Row 6 and column 6.
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von vollbesonderbar, flaemmchen, m_busuttil, ukjohnd, fuxia, Lion Crow, ludvigr04, jalebc, Kyhl, Ploctypus, MarthaB, Banana, Hephaestus, SKORP17, Chelo, Raistlen, abadx, fitzie, dingledork, zrbakhtiar, ... skywalker, joelth, MaNCS, macmillan333, Carolin, THef of Time, Polytechnisch, vmirandaa, cmigas, Jodelbanane, Uhu, pollyparrot, Katchoo, PippoForte, martin1456, Gosciola19, pms_headache, RuckinFutz
Zuletzt geändert am 10. April 2024, 20:15 Uhram 9. April 2024, 19:58 Uhr von PinkNickels
Thanks as usual, WP! Appreciate it!
@PinkNickels Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. -Will Power
Zuletzt geändert am 9. April 2024, 15:00 Uhram 9. April 2024, 11:44 Uhr von Azukay
Incredibly enjoyable, will definitely do some more of your puzzles
@Azukay Welcome to the website. I have about 350 puzzles here. If you click on "Search Puzzles", then "Advanced Search" and then add "Will Power" to the slot that says "Only puzzles by ________ Author", you can get a list of mine. Peace to you. -Will Power
am 7. April 2024, 18:53 Uhr von fitzie
this is one of those puzzles where reading the instructions more than once is necessary :)
Zuletzt geändert am 10. April 2024, 20:41 Uhram 7. April 2024, 14:59 Uhr von MarthaB
Fun puzzle! Thanks!
@MarthaB Thanks for the kind comment. As my resident mathematician, have you attempted my "Sequence Master" puzzle (not sudoku) from a long time ago? Only 5 have solved it so far. Peace to you. -Will Power
am 7. April 2024, 10:31 Uhr von Lion Crow
Nice puzzle. Logic flows clearly. Thanks.