Mochi the Cat 3 - Cat-tastrophe!
(Eingestellt am 16. März 2024, 09:30 Uhr von Allagem)
Now that I'm back setting puzzles again, my friend Darono insists that it is time for the highly-anticipated third installment of Mochi the Cat! I offered to help Darono set up an account on LMD, but his reply was "The entire purpose of the Mochi the Cat series is to help your account's reputation grow, and I know you need my help to do that. The people have spoken and they want Mochi!" so it doesn't sound like Darono will be making an LMD account anytime soon :^) Despite my friend's high confidence in my ability, this puzzle was the result of a collaborative effort between me and Darono, with him designing the overall look and theme and me ensuring the solve path was smooth and enjoyable. We are both quite proud of the final product, and we hope you will give it a try! Please enjoy the third installment of Mochi the Cat: Cat-tastrophe!
This is the third puzzle in the Mochi the Cat series! If you enjoy Mochi the Cat 3, please check out Darono's other puzzles featuring Mochi:
Mochi the Cat
Mochi the Cat 2 - German Whiskers
Mochi awoke from her cat-nap to discover a bomb planted in the middle of the city! Mochi is on the scene and ready to use her claws to cut the wire, but she doesn't know which wire to cut! Help Mochi solve this puzzle so she can defuse the bomb and prevent the Cat-tastrophe!
Solve on F-Puzzles
Solve on CtC App
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Kropki Pairs: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio.
XV Pairs: Digits separated by the V sum to 5.
Killer Cages: Digits in cages do not repeat and sum to the small clue in the corner of the cage.
Thermometers: Digits along a grey thermometer increase from bulb to tip.
Renban Lines: Digits on a pink line form a non-repeating, consecutive set of numbers in some order.
German Whispers: Adjacent digits on a green line differ by 5 or more.
Entropic Lines: Every set of 3 sequential digits along the beige wire contains a low digit {1,2,3}, a middle digit {4,5,6}, and a high digit {7,8,9}.
Modular Lines: Every set of 3 sequential digits along the teal wire contains a complete set of residues modulo 3, i.e. one digit from {1,4,7}, one digit from {2,5,8}, and one digit from {3,6,9}.
Parity Lines: Digits along the red wire alternate parity (even/odd).
Lösungscode: Mochi needs to cut the wire with the largest sum! Enter the digits on the wire that Mochi should cut from top to bottom (5 digits)
Gelöst von isajo4002, jalebc, seeppp, Fra314, Natka23, cocomo, NotThatKindOfDoctor, NineK, ludvigr04, FlashZange, flaemmchen, efnenu, Redmuunk, SKORP17, LehanLehan, Notlob, kriskos, Rearden, mcc, zrbakhtiar, ... huxi, lapazhu, chanelaw, fca.felix.sudoku, Darono, sandmoppe, macmillan333, Vegan_warior, chestertherat, asii, PippoForte, finger, Kichelle, tgstar, Omnicole, nunc, backermalaker, teuthida
Zuletzt geändert am 25. März 2024, 03:10 Uhram 20. März 2024, 09:12 Uhr von Zacbelle
Love the puzzle, very well crafted. Think I've done the other ones but will go and check and do them if I haven't.
This one I made a mistake with 8's and 5's on the long renban but way too late to try to recover so ended up starting again. Still took me nearly an hour second time around, so slow :(
But my biggest love was the integrated story line solution code regardless of how easy it was to add up the total of 3 lines!! Yay, 5 digits, the least I've ever had to enter! More setters should reduce the length of the solution code and respect the efforts of the solvers more, why do many ask for 18 digits? What is the point of more than 9?
Thank you, Darono and I really appreciate it! The thematic solution code was Darono's idea actually! And I've thought about your comment and decided you are right. My most recent puzzle (Inner Harmony) requires only a 9-digit solution code :)
Zuletzt geändert am 25. März 2024, 03:10 Uhram 18. März 2024, 12:58 Uhr von cfunkmi
Great puzzle. Was not aware of the previous Mochi puzzles prior to solve, but went back and solved. All three were fun and near same level of difficulty.
Thank you! I want you to know you made Darono's day as the first commenter :)