Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[MasherUpper] Actually A Double Choco Puzzle (Double Back x Double Choco)

(Eingestellt am 22. März 2024, 03:57 Uhr von KusaneHexaku)

This puzzle was part of a 21-puzzle pack made for Martin Ender (Menderbug) during Christmas of 2023.
The full set is currently not publicly available yet, but I've picked out the mashup puzzles to share here
since they're a bit more interesting than the rest, which were simply vanilla logic puzzles.

Actually A Double Choco Puzzle (Double Back x Double Choco)

Double Back : Draw a single orthogonal loop that visits all unshaded cells without branching or crossing itself. The loop must visit each region exactly twice.

Double Choco : Divide the grid into regions, such that each region contains a shaded half and an unshaded half that are the same shape, with mirroring and rotation allowed. Clue cells indicate the size of one half of the region. The regions created by Double Choco will be the regions used for Double Back.

Solve on Penpa+

For Penpa+'s answer checker to trigger, use the following modes:
- Edge -> Normal Green to draw the region borders
- Line -> Normal Green to draw the loop

Lösungscode: For each of the regions belonging to a clue cells, in reading order by the clue cell's position, type the number of turns in that region.

e.g. 220305244

Gelöst von Mjb99, lupo, Mark Sweep
Komplette Liste

Gelöst:3 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Rätselkombination Wegerätsel Zerlegungsrätsel

Lösung abgeben

