Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Distorted Reflections

(Eingestellt am 10. März 2024, 14:46 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with SudokuPad

Solve with F-Puzzles

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits along the negative diagonal cannot repeat

Adjacent digits along a green german whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.

Digits along a megenta renban form a set of consecutive non-repeating digits in any order.

The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow if other rules allow.

A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.

The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Happy Solving!! And God Bless!!

Lösungscode: Enter Row 7 Digits

Zuletzt geändert am 10. März 2024, 17:34 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, Calvinball, SKORP17, bansalsaab, halakani, Ragna, pepe74287, vipul, Bjd, by81996672, asver, AvonD, Snookerfan, fuxia, Isael, BlackWolf, Martini , snowyegret, lianarox, Brodie2000, NRB, ... Swiddow, Lithusei, NEWS, Jodelbanane, HighEagle, lovely, Sus, tuckerbucket, ludvigr04, forsen, PippoForte, sujoyku, dendrobium, tiwe, belnovic, tiredsudoku, TheNineElements, Zeddecks, pms_headache
Komplette Liste


am 7. Dezember 2024, 13:26 Uhr von TheNineElements
Solve Time: 49:00

I rated this 3/5 difficulty.

Nice puzzle! It was a bit tougher than I expected just by looking at it, but I suppose the 4/5 consensus difficulty should have clued me in. Either way, I thought this was closer to 3/5 difficulty. I typically solve 3/5 puzzles in anywhere from 30 mins to 1 hour, and this fell in the middle of those times - plus I don't think the logic was too difficult for an intermediate solver.

I think the break-in was fair for a 3-4/5 difficulty puzzle, and once I began figuring out some of the logic/geometry, I found that it felt like more like a 3/5 throughout most of the solve.

This was an enjoyable puzzle with some cool and entertaining logic, and I thought the interactions between renbans and whispers along the diagonal was very cool. It was nice to discover how the clues all built on each other to constrain the diagonal, and I thought the setting was very well done as it felt like every constraint/rule played a role in restricting another other constraint, which affected the next, sort of cascading through the puzzle. Great puzzle!

am 12. März 2024, 00:13 Uhr von Martini
Wow that is the hardest puzzle i have ever solved

am 11. März 2024, 10:46 Uhr von Snookerfan
Beautiful puzzle! Thank you

am 10. März 2024, 17:34 Uhr von meggen033
Corrected Solution Code

Zuletzt geändert am 10. März 2024, 17:34 Uhr

am 10. März 2024, 17:20 Uhr von bansalsaab
Solution code instructions of row 7 are wrong.

Sorry about that, it's fixed now

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:50 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Lösung abgeben

