Clown (小丑)
(Eingestellt am 4. April 2024, 05:00 Uhr von Will Power)
Normal Sudoku rules apply. ARROWS- Numbers on arrows sum to the number in the arrow's circle. Numbers do not repeat on arrows. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Numbers with a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. XV PAIRS- Numbers with a V between them sum to 5. Not all possible dots and V are shown.
Solve on CTC
Lösungscode: Row 5 and column 9.
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von linl33, ananth, jaxmetallic, Big Tiger, flaemmchen, keenbowl, zorant, BBB, ukjohnd, Kyhl, EmX68, jalebc, Dreamy4Vada, JustDoggy, Carolin, kporadzinski, josebastian8, Matti64, Peteronium, Nylimb, ... skywalker, Polytechnisch, mango, W1n5t0n, MaNCS, Enkerro, A very large bear, Uhu, cmigas, Jodelbanane, rhodri, cbrown92, PuzzleDoubt, asii, Katchoo, pollyparrot, PippoForte, martin1456, pms_headache
am 5. April 2024, 02:05 Uhr von Nostor
Thank you for yet another very nice puzzle! I have to say that I also didn't pay attention to the "numbers not repeating on arrows" constraint and don't think it is necessary.
(The fact that I made a mess by making a typo in r7c3 and had to spend quite some time to figure out what when wrong and re-do a not insubstantial part of the puzzle was entirely my fault and takes nothing away from the joy this puzzle offers.)
am 4. April 2024, 16:39 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle - as always! Thank you :-)
am 4. April 2024, 14:39 Uhr von PinkNickels
Thanks, Will! Hope you are doing well.