Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 25. Februar 2024, 06:51 Uhr von MQ9_Reaper2)

Normal sudoku rules apply
Digits in cages sum to the number in the top left of the cage. Digits may not repeat in cages
Digits strictly increase from bulb to tip on thermometers
Digits on green lines must differ by at least 5
Digits on orange lines must differ by at least 4
Digits separated by white dots must be consecutive. Not all dots are given


Lösungscode: Row 1 (left to right, 9 digits)

Gelöst von Grothenlace, LehanLehan, Dermerlin, atlantiszx, pepe74287, RickiFerrara, mezeji, lmdemasi, keenbowl, forsen, mezkur7, DanishDynamite, onbu, SKORP17, nmmc123, zrbakhtiar, dingledork, seeppp, sedici, ... adam001, mthunter26, indolentfool, Lundo, Lovejoy , spoonfed, nyxie, Catalynz, BlackApolloX, timww572, humaLautema, huxi, ManuH, spamus, jalebc, Horizonto, fca.felix.sudoku, frankpujo, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


am 7. März 2024, 16:49 Uhr von jklimp
Very fun solve. Thanks for setting. I think I used some faulty logic that ended up working out for me in the end.

am 25. Februar 2024, 10:44 Uhr von keenbowl
That was fun to solve, thanks for setting&sharing!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:84 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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