Lösungscode: The missing digit in each column, from left to right.
am 9. Mai 2024, 21:31 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Just wow. Simply put, this puzzle is utterly amazing. Easily one of the best puzzles I've ever solved.
The entire concept of using SET in a puzzle where normal sudoku rules don't apply is very interesting and allows for some cool stuff, and this is brilliantly executed. The whole break-in sequence is extremely interesting, and even after that there are still so many interesting interactions, right up till the end.
Personally would recommend any potential solvers to definitely give this a try, and also to attempt without hints so you can discover the interesting logic naturally.
Thank you for your comment! I have to admit I got a little lucky with this puzzle, because usually there is a very fine line between no solution and multiple solutions, but with this ruleset there is a unique solution for several different starting cage totals. It also pained me a little to post hints, but would rather have enjoy the puzzle with a hint or two than get stuck and be unable to finish.
am 24. März 2024, 01:58 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
o_O I must say, I don’t even understand what I’m seeing right now haha -- how the heck did you find that XD I mean, I know you said you’d been thinking about doing something with the ring for a while, but still. I had noticed some things myself in my own puzzles, but would have never thought this could be usable, let alone shaped to that extent. In fact I went and checked almost all of my puzzles to compare and try and make sense of this, and NONE are anywhere close to similar to this, this is wild (and in fact, I think you’d get a kick out of Technodrome in that regard hehe). Well I love to see the ruleset not just used, but explored in new ways like this, that I could never ever have thought of or pulled off, that's for sure. Thanks so much! :D
Thanks for giving this puzzle a go and for the overly kind words! I'm pretty happy with how it came together. I learned a lot while making it! I solved Technodrome on my phone on an airplane earlier this month and forgot to enter the solution. Will do now.
am 22. März 2024, 06:55 Uhr von bodemeister
Removed version 1 of the puzzle, and removed (version 2) from the name of this puzzle.
am 24. Februar 2024, 14:32 Uhr von wullemuus
The same concept and though different-really enjoyable to have two versions of this puzzle!
The different cages made it quite interesting to find the right digits as you promised this in your introduction. Well done!
A nice surprise that you solved both puzzles! Thanks! I was kicking myself a little for publishing the first version, because it was the end of a holiday and I rushed myself a little, resulting in a puzzle that could have been improved.
am 24. Februar 2024, 08:49 Uhr von Mutx
Very difficult but somehow enjoyable... The logic is amazingly rigorous and lengthy, kudos!
For anyone attempting this, I recommend considering the missing digits as Schrödinger cells with an invisible number; its interaction with 0 would be much more straightforward.
Hi Mutx, thanks for solving my puzzle, and congratulations for being the first one to solve this beast! That is an interesting idea about thinking of the missing digits as Schrodinger cells. I just used the tracking cells to extend the row, column, and box sizes to 10 to account for the missing digit, and of course to remember that the missing digits in columns 1,2,3 are the same missing digits in boxes 1,4,7, etc. Good solve, and thanks for your thoughtful comment!