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This is part 6 of my Differences series.
Part 1: Same Difference
Part 2: Different Differences
Part 3: Same Zifference
Part 4: Spot the Difference
Part 5: Diffambiguate
Part 6: Pseudo Differences
Part 7: Ziffer Spots
Part 8: Ziffers of Entropy
Part 9: Difference Diamonds
Part 10: Some Difference
Part 11: ???
It is also pseudoing as the 2nd puzzle in my Pseudo series:
Part 1: Pseudoscience
Part 2: Pseudo Differences
Part 3: Fakes in the Fog
Part 4: Pseudo Cluedo
Part 5: ???
Lösungscode: Column 5, reading downwards
am 22. Juni 2024, 09:47 Uhr von wuc
Very smooth. I was speachless how cool the differences deduction was. Masterpiece thx.
am 11. Juni 2024, 06:24 Uhr von ChinStrap
am 25. Mai 2024, 22:50 Uhr von sockerbecca
I could identify the differences of all the lines and solve about half of the grid entirely before I got stuck. Had to pick a cell and try both options to move on. Other than that, a very nice and difficult solve but entirely doable with just logic!
am 14. März 2024, 09:29 Uhr von Nemefish
Like every great romance it seems intriguing but impenetrable at first but slowly and gradually reveals its secrets with perseverance. Thoroughly enjoyable.
am 29. Februar 2024, 14:41 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Excellent puzzle! I found this much harder than Pseudo Science, and I was nearly pulling my hair out trying to find a way to resolve all the lines with different differences. Maybe it's just me? Even so, I really enjoyed discovering how it all came together.
am 23. Februar 2024, 00:02 Uhr von yttrio
It was really cool how the pseudo cells were used to create the unique differences!
am 22. Februar 2024, 22:07 Uhr von Ratfinkz
Beautiful puzzle! Lots of lovely logic
am 22. Februar 2024, 16:07 Uhr von harwiltz
Had a blast with this one, thanks!
am 22. Februar 2024, 14:24 Uhr von Snookerfan
Incredibly good puzzle! Full of lovely traps. Thank you
am 20. Februar 2024, 21:04 Uhr von ViKingPrime
It wasn't necessarily the flashiest in the series but it may very well be the most elegant setting in the entire series. Incredible, incredible puzzle.