Lösungscode: Row 7
am 14. Januar 2025, 00:49 Uhr von gfoot
This was a lot of fun to solve. After the break-in it felt like wherever I looked there was something to do, making the puzzle quite a bit easier than most that you've set, I think. So a nice break from the other challenges!
Thank you so much for continuing your streak of solves on this series of puzzles, and bringing this one ever closer to a rating! As a tribute puzzle, fun is really all it's about, although originally it had even more clues lol, but I took some out to spice it up a bit. Glad it wasn't too spicy and you thought it an enjoyable break! :D
am 6. August 2024, 22:10 Uhr von The Book Wyrm
Cool puzzle!
Nice doing a compilation like this for the 100th puzzle, as well as having a list of all the LMD doppelgangers (so far?).
As for the puzzle itself, rather good with some interesting deductions. Made good use of combining a bunch of seperate constraints. Got a bit busy in the mid-solve since there are a lot of clues and it took me a while to find the right spot to progress, but it went smoothly once I found it.
Another awesome surprise, thanks so much! I was sure you had already solved this one (so again, I recommend the puzzles by these other setters if you haven't tried them). And thanks for your honesty as well, I can only agree that in my wanting a bit too much to pay tribute, I got quite carried away there (another reason I recommend these other puzzles, as they're far cleaner :-)
am 24. März 2024, 18:12 Uhr von bodemeister
Fun puzzle as always! This is the first time you haven't really made me think hard on a puzzle, possibly because I've already been considering x-sums for my chaos construction doppelganger puzzle. But definitely enjoyable for sure!
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed (and did you check the ring on that one hehe -- this happened purely by accident, and you'd asked me before I checked during your puzzle, I'd have thought this was impossible)
About the CC, please don't feel any obligation, especially if it clashes with your workload. We could continue the conversation should we get in the thick of things, but I trust in wullemuus! XD
I'm midway through your CC. Trying to determine if 9 can appear in row 3, or more generally if a digit can appear in every row of a region that does not contain that digit. Also feel I'm close to figuring out some 7's and 8's.
Regarding the Phistomefel Ring, you were asking if I noticed that the digits in the Phistomefel Ring match the digits in the corners for this puzzle?
am 5. März 2024, 23:58 Uhr von chrisj50
Gorgeous (and generous) logical path. I know I tried this a few months back and made about a dozen pencil marks before giving up - I’m glad you reposted here as it was well worth a second attempt! I particularly enjoyed the column 6 logic. Warmup puzzles were great and helped a lot. Cheers :)
It's telling of your increasing mastery of the ruleset that you'd think this is the 'generous' start, as this is in fact the hard version! I had another version with extra X-Sum and Kropki Line clues! So congrats, and yet another big thanks for yet another solve on one of these puzzles :D
am 4. März 2024, 18:38 Uhr von bansalsaab
Loved it. Every clue interaction was pure joy.
Thank you very much for the solve and comment bansalsaab, I’m glad you enjoyed and thought so about all the different variants used here – I feared maybe the Kropki Lines were maybe a bit sparse, but then again, they’re the most powerful, so I guess it was for the best in the end. Thanks again!
am 4. März 2024, 11:28 Uhr von wullemuus
Congrats to this special puzzle (for the reasons you mentioned) and in addition: the interesting interactions between all nontrivial rulesets. Enjoyable and surprising as always!
Thank you once again very much wullemuus! I greatly appreciate your support as always, to me and to the ruleset as a whole
So yes, as this milestone puzzle is saying, I got plenty more that have never been published here on LMD, so we'll see if I decide to select some more for publication, and hopefully, the other setters will continue to use the ruleset. I know that The Book Wyrm has voiced interest too in creating some, and incidentally, I'm sure you'd like her puzzles very much! (I'm just starting to discover them myself :-)