Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Roses are red

(Eingestellt am 12. Februar 2024, 20:34 Uhr von Schma)

Right on time for Valentine's Day, I wanted to create a special rose for my girlfriend. Have a look at my "Roses are red" Sudoku.

Any comments are highly appreciated. :)

Play on SudokuPad

The rules are as follows:

  • Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • German Whisper: Adjacent digits along a green German Whisper line must differ by at least 5.
  • Parity: Adjacent digits along a red Parity line must alternate between odd and even parity.
  • Squares: Digits in grey squares are even.
  • X/V: Digits in cells separated by V sum to 5 and digits in cells seperated by X sum to 10.
  • There are no negative constraints.

In terms of difficutly, I would rate the puzzle at ~2/5.

Lösungscode: All digits from row 8 (left to right).

Gelöst von yttrio, Smoncko, whitefox, Notlob, Willkimo, SKORP17, Natka23, theParad0x, seeppp, Iluvsodah, NineK, Hajuhn, agueybana, Evicts, dingledork, roscommon, lordtom, kkli, 333sudoku333, ludvigr04, rlg, ... flaemmchen, lapazhu, cornflakes23, humaLautema, hsimah, geronimo92, A very large bear, PippoForte, doodManBro, asii, k2u5as, Vegan_warior, NeroChaos, Toren, MoHaMeD05, koiking, jgarber, tgstar
Komplette Liste


am 13. März 2024, 07:37 Uhr von CcmarvMD
Absolutely loved it! Not too difficult, and a very fun and rewarding solve!

am 2. März 2024, 16:16 Uhr von Schma
Thanks everyone for the nice comments and I‘m very glad you like the puzzle :)

am 15. Februar 2024, 03:22 Uhr von haligonian
I loved the break-in and it was beautiful, visually. My only wish is that it didn't complete so quickly once you get the first digits as it was a lot of fun getting everything set up.

am 14. Februar 2024, 00:01 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very nice puzzle. There was so much going on, and it solved very smoothly. Thanks for sharing your sudoku Valentine.

am 13. Februar 2024, 18:33 Uhr von stonetim
Very fun and very pretty! I struggled a bit early on, but eventually got it and was smooth sailing.
I managed it in 34 minutes.

am 13. Februar 2024, 16:04 Uhr von Jreg
A beautiful puzzle and a beautiful break-in, splendid!

am 13. Februar 2024, 07:01 Uhr von Dag H
Beautiful puzzle :)

am 13. Februar 2024, 02:16 Uhr von RussKozerski
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
I've finished this puzzle,
And now say, "Adieu."

am 13. Februar 2024, 01:17 Uhr von AutoNick
Very fun, thanks for sharing. :)

am 12. Februar 2024, 21:03 Uhr von yttrio
Always nice to see a puzzle that has both a nice line picture as well as interesting logic. This definitely accomplishes both for me!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:187 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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