Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

14 Givens

(Published on 4. February 2024, 04:34 by lepton)

Draw nine non-overlapping 3x3 boxes, and place the digits 1-9 once each in every box. Digits cannot repeat in any row or column. Cells outside boxes do not contain digits.

Play this puzzle on Sudokupad.

Solution code: Row 3

Solved by bansalsaab, tiuhto, Fra314, SparkNights, CHRosenthal, MohitR, brimmy, WarriorKitten, Yawnus, IcyFruit, AvonD, lwhjp, SPREVVIE, Ploctypus, notluigi64, Snookerfan, Dentones, MonsieurTRISTE, Sonki, ... Mr. Happy, ymhsbmbesitwf, IYD, Uhu, alexc, DavidH, Just me, xaethos, agueybana, GabeSzeto, michaal94, SirRookie, Cane_Puzzles, wisty, arrrgh, cybers, arauwer, PippoForte, lovely, h5663454
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on 8. June 2024, 00:31 by wisty
finally, a puzzle purely made of the one thing I can solve quickly (lol). great find with such a minimal setup too, thanks for sharing :D

on 21. February 2024, 02:01 by sourcedecay
Absolutely fantastic puzzle.

on 19. February 2024, 21:50 by SHERAX
Just genius

on 19. February 2024, 18:53 by SHERAX
Just genius

on 19. February 2024, 00:08 by Arget
Took me almost 77 minutes, it was hard at first to spot things, but once you understand how to move, you have a lot of fun :)

on 16. February 2024, 00:59 by Ratfinkz
Solved as part of a group solve on Twitch, beautiful puzzle!

on 16. February 2024, 00:54 by Nell Gwyn
I wouldn't have thought it possible to have a classic deconstruction with fewer givens than are required for a normal sudoku. Amazing discovery!

on 9. February 2024, 15:46 by Agent
Nice proof of concept with some neat leftover logic. It's counterintuitive that the minimum number of given is this much lower for a Deconstruction.

on 6. February 2024, 23:39 by Fool on Hill
This is a puzzle for the connoisseurs of Sudoku curiosities - and also solvers who like an interesting challenge - it defies belief that such a construction is possible. The solve is challenging in parts, it is true, but what do you expect in a puzzle with just 14 given digits? lepton, thanks so much for this wonder.

on 5. February 2024, 18:56 by Myxo
Cool puzzle! Interesting that less givens are needed than for a classic sudoku.

on 5. February 2024, 17:38 by StephenEsven
10x10 threw me for a start. I had assumed 11x11 before counting, as that is usual for deconstruction puzzles.
But a very nice challenge. Took me a good while but nut unreasonable time.

on 4. February 2024, 13:10 by Fra314
Excellent puzzle, tricky but absolutely fun and well constructed!

on 4. February 2024, 06:27 by bansalsaab
Stunning cc even with 10x10

Rating:95 %
Solved:96 times
Observed:6 times

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