NOTE: All my puzzles may be used by streamers/sudoku-tubers; gimme a buzz on Discord if you do! :-)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Adjacent digits on orange Dutch Whisper lines must differ by at least 4.
Any group of three consecutive cells on the red modular line must contain one digit from {147}, one from {258}, and one from {369}.
Digits joined by a white dot must be consecutive. Digits joined by a black dot must be in a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily given.
Digits in killer cages must sum to the given total.
Digits must not repeat along the marked diagonals.
Lösungscode: Row 5
am 30. Januar 2024, 00:26 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very fine; very fun! Thanks for the puzzle.
am 29. Januar 2024, 14:32 Uhr von PinkNickels
Smooth as a calm sea!
Response from Lea: This is, excuse me, a damn fine compliment. =D
am 29. Januar 2024, 12:36 Uhr von Nostor
Nice and smooth, thank you!
Response from Lea: Thanks! =)
am 29. Januar 2024, 07:13 Uhr von Wenger
Nifty little puzzle.
Response from Lea: Thanks! =)