Doubly Consecutive Cages: Loop
(Eingestellt am 22. Januar 2024, 21:18 Uhr von JustinTucker)
This puzzle is a variation of
Doubly Consecutive Cages. Here, instead of a snake the cages form a loop. I know it is fairly easy, but it's a loop!
- The digits 1 to 6 appear once in every row and column.
- Digits inside a cage are different.
- The cage sums are all different and form a consecutive set of integers, i. e. n, n+1, n+2, ..., N.
- If the sums of two cages differ by one, the cages touch each other orthogonally.
- The cage with the biggest sum and the cage with the lowest sum touch each other orthogonally.
PS: Since for a board size of 7x7 or 8x8 no setting has a unique solution the next interesting case for a completely covering snake or loop would be 9x9...
Lösungscode: Row 2 (from above)
Gelöst von agueybana, Greg, misko, CHalb, Rollo, adam001, Luigi, ffricke, CJK, filuta, marcmees, Piatato
am 25. Mai 2024, 09:39 Uhr von Piatato
Cool concept!