Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stolen Numerals

(Published on 21. January 2024, 15:15 by NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Any two 5's cannot be separated by a king's or Knight's move (in chess).

Cells connected by an Black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio.

Cells connected by an X must sum to 10

Cells connected by an V must sum to 5

The green dots are either X or V

All black dots, X's and V's are given

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle

Solution code: give the digits of column 5 and 6 (top to bottom)

Last changed on on 7. July 2024, 08:33

Solved by Guillem98, maglia, jalebc, hige, NineK, liushong, ludvigr04, maniacaljackal, SKORP17, Zandi, ashisstuff, galium_odoratum, FischmitFahrrad, pepe74287, pseudoku, Slink, rlg, arbitrary, kkli, agueybana, ... jakeykayy, asii, NeroChaos, ValentinL, ehnvn, forsen, snowyegret, AnebodaSlatorp, gnidan, saisasank, Lovejoy , TroublesomeOrca, Azvaril, Cezarr, Chlorophyll, Onkel_Dagobert, renegade_duck, bhambells
Full list


on 7. July 2024, 08:33 by NurglesGift
changed links, there was green dots under the black dots and for me, I don't see knights/kings move conflict, but you may have to put conflict checker to off

on 7. July 2024, 03:44 by chain.reader
FYI, when transfered over to ctc it ends up bad. it checks all digits for knights and kings, not just 5s, also the black dots arent black.

on 2. June 2024, 11:18 by NurglesGift
added link

on 27. February 2024, 14:15 by Vivian Huang
joyful to solve it,nice puzzle

on 25. January 2024, 12:46 by NurglesGift
sure you can recommend it

on 25. January 2024, 11:19 by Fra314
Great puzzle, really fun! Can I recommend it to BremSter for a solve? Thanks!

on 23. January 2024, 14:08 by Rollo
Sehr schön. "king's move" habe ich nicht benutzt.

on 22. January 2024, 16:33 by NurglesGift
that was correct, thank you

on 22. January 2024, 16:32 by NurglesGift
fixed puzzle

Rating:85 %
Solved:143 times
Observed:11 times

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