Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

5 Is The Magic Number

(Eingestellt am 9. Januar 2024, 23:39 Uhr von Ratfinkz)

This was a failure in a speed setting competition! (Took much longer than the alloted time) but I enjoyed it so continued to work on it regardless.

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Consecutive digits on a green line must differ by at least 5.
  • Numbers outside the grid are remote X sums. They indicate the sum of the first X digits after the 5 in their row or column where X is the digit immediately after the 5. X sums remain within the grid.
  • Sudoku Pad

    Feel free to leave me a comment, I read and appreciate all of them!

Lösungscode: 4th row, left to right

Gelöst von ccotreau, goodcity, Taikatalvy, Greg, hildende, nmmc123, ashisstuff, chesskudo, Pegazus, ludvigr04, SKORP17, vorash00, AvonD, salientropy, timww572, Hajuhn, root_vegetable, ark29, dskaff, pkratz22, ... Niverio, cornuto, BlackApolloX, lordtom, HighEagle, Lodinn, Martini&Toto, forsen, chain.reader, ViKingPrime, Kekes, isajo4002, Virux, cheerfuljanb, PippoForte, Geb, sorryimLate, NeroChaos, mbaaz
Komplette Liste


am 21. April 2024, 20:06 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Beautiful, elegant setting! (I must emphasize, though, that in this puzzle - 7 IS 3).

am 30. Januar 2024, 20:17 Uhr von ThymePass
That was a lovely puzzle, ratfinkz. Thank you!

am 30. Januar 2024, 19:58 Uhr von heliopolix
Quite delightful!

am 16. Januar 2024, 10:51 Uhr von marty_sears
this was a lovely twist on x sums, very smooth logic but I definitely was kept on my toes. A few times I thought I'd broken it but then spotted another option I hadn't considered, which always turned out to be the correct option, in quite a satisfying way. Perfect choice of clues, which interacted very well with the German whisperage

am 10. Januar 2024, 12:00 Uhr von gbrljt
Seamless logic flow throughout, and a nice introduction to remote X sums puzzles for me. Class!

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Januar 2024, 23:52 Uhr

am 9. Januar 2024, 23:43 Uhr von ccotreau
Nice logic and a very enjoyable solve path.


Thank you lovely

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:147 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Variantenkombination Neu

Lösung abgeben

