Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The 12 Pentominoes of Christmas (Chaos)

(Eingestellt am 8. Januar 2024, 15:19 Uhr von DadJokes)

The 12 Pentominoes of Christmas (Chaos)

  • Chaos Construction (Pentomino): Each row, column and region must contain the digits 0-9 once each. Regions consist of two pentominoes of different shapes that connect orthogonally at exactly one cell border and must be determined by the solver. All of the 12 variations of pentominoes must appear at least once in the grid.
  • Circles: Digits in circled cells indicate the number of circled cells containing that digit. Additionally, pentominoes containing a circle must have the same shape if those circles contain the same digit. Pentominoes with circles containing different digits must have different shapes. A pentomino cannot contain more than one circle.
  • Quadruples: Digits in a circle in the center of a 2x2 of cells must appear at least once in that 2x2 of cells. Additionally, the number of digits given indicates the number of distinct pentominoes that have cells in that 2x2. Each distinct pentomino that has a cell in the 2x2 region must have at least one digit from the given clue in one of the cells in that 2x2 region.

Sudokupad: Click Here

This was one of my Secret Santa gifts to Aspartagcus. I have posted it here with their permission. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Row 6 followed by Column 5

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Januar 2024, 18:42 Uhr

Gelöst von Jesper, LuanMerlin, The Book Wyrm, wisty, Aspartagcus, Nebuzaradan, gfoot, itweb, SenatorGronk, Beanie, damasosos92, zzw, amarins, Paletron, tome_coelho, Agent, Sniglett, Silverstep, Gnosis66, karen_birgitta, marcmees, dogfarts
Komplette Liste


am 12. März 2024, 22:26 Uhr von marcmees
great puzzle. rating well deserved. thanks

am 15. Januar 2024, 05:14 Uhr von Agent
Fantastic puzzle! It feels like all the rules were used really well.

am 11. Januar 2024, 19:21 Uhr von zzw
Beautiful puzzle! Everything fits together really well here, very smooth and fun!

am 11. Januar 2024, 19:19 Uhr von damasosos92

am 9. Januar 2024, 01:13 Uhr von gfoot
Brilliant combination of mechanics, with a great variety of logic at different stages

am 8. Januar 2024, 22:46 Uhr von Aspartagcus
This was such a fun puzzle to solve! Thanks, DadJokes, for this awesome gift! :D
When I got this puzzle, I was at first at a loss at how to start, but after considering all the rules I started getting somewhere and kept hacking away on the grid in different ways until I finally got the solution. It really utilized all the different rules to the most, as a good hybrid should.
Highly recommended!

am 8. Januar 2024, 22:38 Uhr von Nebuzaradan
Very enjoyable and nice flow once I got used to the rules. Would recommend!

am 8. Januar 2024, 22:22 Uhr von wisty
Dense ruleset, but great execution and a fun and minimal grid! Looking forward to more pentomino hybrids from you :)

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:22 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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