New year and one of my resolutions is to set more sudokus again. I'll start where I left off: Windoku puzzles. Let me know what you liked or disliked. Have fun solving!
Normal sudoku rules apply.
The extra grey regions contain the digits 1-9 exactly once and act like extra boxes. This configuration makes this soduku a windoku.
Digits an equal distance from the center of a lavender 'Zipper Line' must sum to the digit in the middle of that line. You cannot add the same digit together to make the total (e.g. 4+4=8 is not allowed).
TIP: it is not neccesary to pencilmark more than 3 numbers in a cell at any time. This should make the next steps easier to spot.
Lösungscode: row 2, column 4 (no commas or spaces)