Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Solver Series: VikingPrime

(Eingestellt am 12. Januar 2024, 00:00 Uhr von Tingo)

Solver Series: VikingPrime

I've created another puzzle for the solver series. This time, the puzzle is for solver and setter: VikingPrime! I consider myself in esteemed company to set and share puzzles alongside VikingPrime, and recommend any puzzle by the incredibly talented setter.

The rules are as follows:

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply

Thermometer digits must strictly increase from the bulb end. Additionally, the sum of digits along a given thermometer must add up to a prime number. Additionally - each thermometer is considered an individual thermo, even if a bulb is shared, therefore each individual thermo must sum to a prime number.

Cells joined by Xs sum to 10. Not all Xs are given.

Cells joined by white dots are consecutive in value.

Cells joined by black dots are in ration of 2:1. Not all dots are given.

The puzzle can be played at F-Puzzles here!

The puzzle can be played at CTC here!

Questions, comments, concerns and jokes are all welcome! Thanks for playing!

Lösungscode: Row 9 followed by Column 4, 18 digits total

Zuletzt geändert am 15. September 2024, 06:52 Uhr

Gelöst von AdamPI, MarthaB, K1ng2, Willkimo, timww572, kierownik, iyork, nmmc123, bys, saskia-daniela, Hajuhn, Enkerro, pigeoant, Bulkystapler, tiuhto, NineK, LehanLehan, jalebc, dskaff, pepe74287, Montikulum, ... Javier Rebottaro, tkrahn98, sujoyku, PippoForte, Drawoon, rsadri, Dez256, Jaspaco, k2u5as, naggy, wildstarjl, Azvaril, arangues, Supertaster, Zedarflight , koiking, Lovejoy , bereolosp, seven-seas
Komplette Liste


am 13. Januar 2024, 20:05 Uhr von Paxilinski
Really cool Puzzle, thank you! :)

am 13. Januar 2024, 14:23 Uhr von erik
I was able to get all the way to the last few squares w/o ever using the thermo rule — which I had missed completely. But then was confronted with non-uniqueness.

Might be worth making the special thermo rules stand out a bit more. <3

am 13. Januar 2024, 02:48 Uhr von kross
I quite enjoyed that, thank you! I have no idea why the rating is so low. I thought this was a very fun 1 star puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Januar 2024, 20:15 Uhr

am 12. Januar 2024, 13:53 Uhr von ViKingPrime
I'm honoured to have my name up in lights like this - thank you <3

Wow! What a ride that puzzle was; I suspect some people may have gone on auto-pilot and gotten tripped up along the way and been sour about it (certainly not me though, I would never...).

This puzzle looks like a pushover with the theming and the abundance of clues but there are some surprising and delightful interactions between the kropkis and the thermos. This is a puzzle with hidden depths.

Great stuff. Do not let the rating steer you away, future solver - if you are diligent, there's a lot of fun to be had here.

(P.S. the puzzle itself now may say the solution is wrong but you're likely correct. Stick to your guns).

- Considering you recently showcased my Irish Dots, it was the least I could do to showcase you as a setter and a solver. Thanks for playing. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the future puzzles you come up with. Cheers! - Tingo

am 12. Januar 2024, 10:59 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
Nice idea and easy solve. Thanks for sharing.

am 12. Januar 2024, 03:20 Uhr von Tingo
Revised rules to clarify thermometer rule.

am 12. Januar 2024, 03:16 Uhr von Tingo
Fixed Solution Code. Sorry everyone - I typoed the first digit. - Tingo

am 12. Januar 2024, 02:34 Uhr von Sralser
Same problem

am 12. Januar 2024, 02:13 Uhr von RussKozerski
Same problem as Bulkystapler and Martha B.

am 12. Januar 2024, 01:04 Uhr von Bulkystapler
Got the correct solution but it tells me the code is wrong. Additionally you might want to clarify that the branches of the thermos add to a prime, as opposed to the entire thermo. Really enjoyed it anyway!

am 12. Januar 2024, 01:03 Uhr von MarthaB
CTC app says solution correct, but code not accepted here. I've triple checked my typing.

am 12. Januar 2024, 00:50 Uhr von Hajuhn
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I can't seem to get the thermo in box 3 to add to a prime

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:183 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Standardrätsel Variantenkombination

Lösung abgeben

