Choose your favorite cage total.
(Eingestellt am 25. Dezember 2023, 13:54 Uhr von Sumanta(ANU))
This Sudoku allows you to choose your favorite cage sum. Once you solve the puzzle, depending on the number chosen, you will get a small (and imaginary) Christmas/New Year gift from my side (See hidden comments). This is the best I can do at this time. Enjoy!!
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Choose a number out of the four numbers 7, 8, 12, and 13.
Killer sum: The sum of the digits in each cage is the number you have chosen.
Kropki: Empty circles join consecutive digits. Not all possible dots are given.
Thermo: In thermometer shapes digits strictly increase from bulbs to the tips.
Note: Since different solvers may choose different numbers, the solution code has been made simple. Do not cheat :)
f-puzzle link:
f-puzzle (Choose your favorite cage total.)
CTC link:
CTC (Choose your favorite cage total.)
Lösungscode: One of the four totals, Guess it :)
Gelöst von zorant, pepe74287, marcmees, fopkovic, MB_Cyclist, jalebc, Carpet11, Chelo, mcc, flaemmchen, SKORP17, Steven R, efnenu, Iluvsodah, Flycatcher, permafrostyx, Grothenlace, lmdemasi, two_halves1, ... madhupt, Uhu, Jodelbanane, roscommon, toshii, Illuminated, Askloomok, Leilalu222, asp1310, OGRussHood, morgannamodeaura, radium, BlackApolloX, josemadre, michaal94, fca.felix.sudoku, S4K, PippoForte
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Dezember 2023, 17:47 Uhram 25. Dezember 2023, 17:40 Uhr von Chelo
Thank you for the gift and have a Nice Christmas too!..
@ Chelo..Thanks and Merry Christmas...