Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Wavy Zippers

(Eingestellt am 19. Dezember 2023, 23:15 Uhr von ViKingPrime)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Entropic (beige): Each set of three consecutive cells on an Entropic line must contain a digit of each size - low {1, 2 or 3}, medium {4, 5 or 6} and high {7, 8 or 9}.
Modular (teal): Each set of three consecutive cells on a Modular line must have digits each with a different remainder when divided by 3 - remainder one {1, 4 or 7}, two {2, 5 or 8} and zero {3, 6 or 9}.


Zippermania: Each line also acts as a Zipper line, wherein digits an equal distance from the center must sum to the digit in the middle of that line.


Zipper lines are more popular than Renbans now; I don't know which will go first — Sudoku or consecutive groups of digits arranged in any order.

If you're familiar with Entropic and/or Modular lines, this may feel a bit easier; whereas if this is your first puzzle with these lines, this may feel a bit more challenging. I hope you'll forgive me either way, as (in my opinion) the logic here unfolds rather prettily.

Have fun!

Solve in SudokuMaker!
Solve in SudokuPad!

The Zippermania Series

Lösungscode: The digits along Row 8, left-to-right.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. Januar 2024, 18:57 Uhr

Gelöst von Mad-Tyas, ThePedallingPianist, Vodakhan , marty_sears, Jafacake, cristophermoore, mihel111, gdc, Jagga, tiredsudoku, AvonD, h5663454, asver, by81996672, tuturitu, pepe74287, Julianl, b413x, ... zrbakhtiar, WarriorKitten, josemadre, Hay-in-needlestack, Zipperoni, Illuminated, PippoForte, ChristmasTapir, agueybana, QuiltyAsCharged, vorash00, Slink, Allagem, ZornsLemon, KyubiBoy, roflsalot
Komplette Liste


am 2. Januar 2024, 20:07 Uhr von Hay-in-needlestack
Had to spend a couple minutes to think about what effect mod3 and entropy has on zipper lines, after that the puzzle solved very smoothly, nice construction!

am 26. Dezember 2023, 12:00 Uhr von Benji
Wonderful logic, thank you! :)

am 20. Dezember 2023, 18:28 Uhr von Schma
That puzzle had so many "wow"-moments... loved it!

am 20. Dezember 2023, 17:45 Uhr von Snookerfan
Brilliant puzzle! After quite a hard break-in, the puzzle became super smooth. Thank you

am 20. Dezember 2023, 03:39 Uhr von cristophermoore
After an initial realization about the lines, this is very smooth and sweet!

am 20. Dezember 2023, 03:03 Uhr von Jafacake
Took a while to realise how restricting zipper&modular/entropic is.

Lovely pieces of logic throughout

am 20. Dezember 2023, 02:28 Uhr von marty_sears
Well modularity is definitely not my strong point, and I did find it confusing switching between entropy and modularity, and made a few silly mistakes because of that.

But this is a brilliant construction, loads of really cool interplay between the two rules. And I like how there are some embedded unwritten rules to find and learn too.

Particularly enjoyed one early deduction on the bottom-right modular line, and then again later found it very satisfying how it got finally disambiguated.

Lovely titbits of logic running all the way through, and a stunningly elegant grid aesthetically too. LOVE how every zipper is a right angle without exeption. One of my favourites of yours, top class stuff

am 20. Dezember 2023, 00:45 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist
A stunning setting and a really smooth flow! You are a constructing machine right now!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:59 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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