Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Schrödingers Zipperlein (FOW)

(Eingestellt am 18. Dezember 2023, 18:13 Uhr von gdc)

This puzzle combines zipper lines, Schrödinger cells and fog. See below for further explanations and an example puzzle.

  • Normal Schrödinger Sudoku rules apply. Put one or two of the digits 0-9 in every empty cell such that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column and box.
  • The grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits reveals clues in the surrounding 3x3 area.
  • Digits an equal distance from the circled center of a lavender zipper line sum to the same number.

Play Online on SudokuPad

Example Puzzle

Here is a 4x4 example puzzle (left) and it's solution (right). It can be played here. To fit 5 digits into 4 cells, each row, column and box must contain exactly one cell with two digits called a Schrödinger cell (S-cell). R1C2 is an S-cell that contains 0 and 1. It follows from the wording above that zipper lines only care about the sum of the digits in a cell so the top-left zipper is satisfied because 3+0+1=4. It is also possible that the circled centers of a zipper line are S-cells. The first deductions use the fact that all line-centers are circled.

Are You New to Those Constraints?

If you are not familiar with either S-cells or zipper lines and struggling with this puzzle, I recommend solving some introduction-level puzzles first. A totally Balanced Approach or Zip-a-De-Doo-Dah are introductions to zipper lines. Non-Separable States is an approachable introduction to S-cells. Schrödinger's Foggy Rationale also combines S-cells with fog.


Thanks to the S-cell expert ViKing Prime for test solving and the invaluable detailed feedback. Thanks to the CtC-fan-discord for testing. Recent constructions from Riffclown (and others) which brilliantly use lines that don't travel from cell centers but instead "overlap" with other lines were big inspirations. Lastly, thanks to Sirxemic for Sudoku Maker which makes typesetting these non-standard lines very convenient.

Lösungscode: The content of all S-cells from top to bottom (18 digits). For the example puzzle this would be 01121314.

Gelöst von ViKingPrime, Miky, SKORP17, vitaminz, SudokuFan, SSG, Smartacus, kublai, lmdemasi, AKernel, Flinty, ficko, jointdog, Nylimb, harpix, emoney13, CrippledLamp, madhupt, MaxSmartable, mackerel, tuturitu, ... dpatti, user1812, Cthouloulou, Abbott Abbott, PippoForte, arauwer, atomvic, Raistlen, BEHamren, matzrh, wuc, Jackson Philion, annaswan, Kyriaas, davidemsa, widjo, martin1456, abysszealot, GoldenGod
Komplette Liste


am 2. August 2024, 12:22 Uhr von wuc
Very nice puzzle. Great smmoth logic. Thx for sharing.

am 7. Januar 2024, 20:49 Uhr von Christounet
Fun twist on zipper lines with S-cells :) Thanks.

am 31. Dezember 2023, 01:18 Uhr von vorash00
The fog really helped with this one. the number of times i forgot about the S cells isn't funny!

Some very cool logic in there though

am 23. Dezember 2023, 02:14 Uhr von Silverbyte
Someone said this was the ultimate zipper fog puzzle and I definitely agree - what an amazingly smooth but clever solve path. I was also shocked at how approachable it turned out to be. And I love self-referential zipper lines haha.

am 19. Dezember 2023, 19:47 Uhr von Kawkaz
I just loved this puzzle! Great work gdc

am 19. Dezember 2023, 12:16 Uhr von filz
Incredible! Thank you very much, that was amazing!

am 19. Dezember 2023, 01:57 Uhr von madhupt
So smooth and so enjoyable! Thanks a million for sharing.

am 18. Dezember 2023, 21:41 Uhr von Flinty
Excellent puzzle. Some very creative shapes in there!!

am 18. Dezember 2023, 20:55 Uhr von lmdemasi
Great puzzle. The deductions about the schrodinger cells and the zipper lines always felt crisp.

am 18. Dezember 2023, 19:14 Uhr von SSG
For a puzzle with such a mind-bending ruleset, the clarity of the logic here is simply astonishing.

am 18. Dezember 2023, 18:37 Uhr von ViKingPrime
This is one of the finest - if not THE finest - puzzles I've ever had the privilege of solving. Every new digit placed doesn't just reveal more of the grid, it reveals another delightful twist in the logic. This is a masterclass in setting.

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:118 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal

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