Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mrs Claus’ Cookie Cutter

(Eingestellt am 15. Dezember 2023, 14:00 Uhr von Cogsplay)

Mrs Claus needs some help. She has baked a gigantic cookie for Santa and 7 of his hungry elves, but doesn’t know how to split it into cookie pieces.

Can you help split the cookie (brown/grey shaded hexagon area) so that each piece is made up of orthogonally connected cells, has exactly one topping and the digits within it do not repeat and sum to the same number (killer cages).

A topping is either a chocolate chip (black Kropki dot - 1:2 ratio) or a dollop of cream (grey circle - odd digit).

Missing chocolate chips (brown Kropki dots- 1:2 ratio) do not count as toppings. They represent the two chocolate chips that fell off the cookie when it came out of the oven (two black Kropki dots not on the shaded areas). Each missing chocolate chip and it’s corresponding fallen chocolate chip are between the same digits.

Mrs Claus has already cut a piece for Santa that must match the same rules as the other cookie pieces. She has placed it on the table in the corner (Grey shaded area in cookie hexagon and grey shaded area in corner represent cloned regions of identically arranged digits). Cheekily, after cutting the piece for Santa she has stolen his chocolate chip and replaced it with a dollop of cream.

Mrs Claus has already identified another piece that matches the rules (see given cage on the cookie).

Otherwise: Normal sudoku rules apply. The floor (non shaded areas) contains killer cages, with no repeated digits that each sum to the same value. The user must determine the sum.

Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Column 5 Row 3

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Dezember 2023, 14:26 Uhr

Gelöst von lmdemasi, CrippledLamp
Komplette Liste


am 15. Dezember 2023, 14:26 Uhr von Cogsplay
Updated CTC link with description change

am 15. Dezember 2023, 14:20 Uhr von Cogsplay
Updated “orthogonally connected” to “is made up of orthogonally connected cells”

Gelöst:2 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


Lösung abgeben

