Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Boba Tea

(Published on 13. December 2023, 14:42 by Sniglett)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row/column/box without repeating.

Renban - Digits along a pink line form a set of consecutive digits, but may be rearranged along the line.

Quadruple - Numbers within a circle indicate a digit that must be present in the 2x2 square that it occupies.

Kropki - Digits separated by a black dot must share a 2:1 ratio with each other.

Solve on Sudokupad

Solution code: Row 2 followed by Column 2, 18 digits no spaces.

Solved by Oddlyeven, zorant, vollbesonderbar, Chelo, SKORP17, Kversten, One Eyed Man, Matti64, atmospherium, Notlob, root_vegetable, Natka23, PinkNickels, slowbiex, jkl, asver, chestertherat, mcc, SXH, ... forsen, teuthida, Uhu, MoHaMeD05, herrdoktorfloof, erkiraak, Mr.CHEN, josemadre, jadezki, Kekes, augsod, duckling, SevenSplitRoad, rhodri, humaLautema, PippoForte, mbaaz, k2u5as, tgstar, bugsduggan
Full list


on 23. December 2023, 00:32 by kuraban
Beautiful puzzle. Absolutely loved it.

on 14. December 2023, 16:23 by sdlay2
Beautiful creation!

on 14. December 2023, 03:28 by Fisherman
What a beautiful puzzle!

on 13. December 2023, 18:36 by halftime
Cool combination of these two rules! Thanks for sharing.

on 13. December 2023, 16:44 by PinkNickels
very nicely done. really enjoyable solve

on 13. December 2023, 15:46 by One Eyed Man
Very nice puzzle with interesting logic. Thank you for setting and sharing.

on 13. December 2023, 15:41 by Kversten
A very enjoyable puzzle!

on 13. December 2023, 14:54 by Oddlyeven
Fun puzzle with a nice, smooth flow!

Rating:95 %
Solved:179 times
Observed:8 times

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