Temperature Zifferential
(Eingestellt am 26. November 2023, 23:15 Uhr von ViKingPrime)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
German Whisper (
green): Digits along a German Whisper line must differ by at least five [5].
Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb to the tip(s).
Ziffer (
purple): Digits an equal distance from the center of a Ziffer line must have a difference equal to the middle of that line.
This one came together rather quickly, after the initial inspiration. There's more to explore here with the concept, I think; for now, I hope this serves as a good introduction to the logic. As an aside, in my head I think of these as "Zifference" lines and I was sorely tempted to call these "Ziffmometers" but if I did I'm fairly certain I would break poor
Marty Sears's heart (so no one tell him - we'll just keep this our little secret).
Here are some puzzles from other setters using the same constraint:
Same Zifference"
by Marty Sears
Zipper or Ziffer?"
by ThePedallingPianist, Marty Sears and ViKingPrime
Have fun!
Solve in SudokuMaker!
Solve in SudokuPad!
Zipper Series
Ziffer Series
Lösungscode: The digits along Row 3, left-to-right.
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von lmdemasi, SKORP17, efnenu, by81996672, Bjd, Chelo, Flinty, asver, nunc, tuturitu, TheBearBoi, escutcheon, marty_sears, Crul, zrbakhtiar, MaxSmartable, H.I. McDunnough, dublaypt, jalebc, Slink, Julianl, Laake, gdc, agueybana, chanelaw, PippoForte, KyubiBoy, joelth
am 28. November 2023, 10:29 Uhr von marty_sears
This was lovely! Some really nice moments, and I didn't need too much help with this one :D
And I actually like the name ziffmometer haha