Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaos Kropki

(Eingestellt am 23. November 2023, 16:11 Uhr von Kippar)


Normal chaos construction rules apply: Place digits 1-9 in every row, column, and 9 cell region. These regions are made up of orthogonally connected cells, and must be found by the solver.

Cells separated by a grey dot have a ratio of 3:1. Cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. HOWEVER, all dots on region borders do not necessarily follow these constraints. Not all dots are shown.

Digits in circles show the sum of the digits in each direction, (excluding diagonals), stopping at borders.

The digit in r1c7 (The grey circle) is odd.

An example solve is shown below:

Penpa+ link

Lösungscode: Row 2 followed by row 7. (Rows are read left to right, no spaces.)

Zuletzt geändert am 24. November 2023, 02:58 Uhr

Gelöst von ONeill, marcmees
Komplette Liste


am 24. November 2023, 02:58 Uhr von Kippar
Fixed example solution

am 24. November 2023, 02:40 Uhr von Kippar
oops I gotta fix the example image

am 24. November 2023, 00:29 Uhr von UziS23
In the example puzzle there is a 3 and 5 separated by a white dot in the same region in column six. Am I misunderstanding the rules?

am 23. November 2023, 19:08 Uhr von Kippar
Yes, there were 3-9 pairs that gave the puzzle two solutions, but the white dot in column 5 should have resolved them.

Zuletzt geändert am 23. November 2023, 19:06 Uhr

am 23. November 2023, 17:55 Uhr von ONeill
Nice puzzle, but I ended up with multiple solutions at the end (on the old version). I’m struggling to see which clues are different in this new version.

Gelöst:2 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Lösung abgeben

