Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sketch (Colourful Killers)

(Eingestellt am 21. November 2023, 23:41 Uhr von The Book Wyrm)

A while ago I made A Flock of Pixels, which used a ruleset designed to make pixel art. I liked that ruleset enough that I decided to make some more puzzles with it, without the added restriction of making the art look good (any resmeblence to an image is entirely coincidental). This one is designed as more of an introduction to the ruleset, and should be more approachable.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-6 once each in every row, column, and region.
  • Digits in a cage do not repeat.
  • Colour each cage according to the last digit of the sum (i.e. cages that sum i.e. cages that sum to values with the same last digit are the same colour, and cages that sum to values with a different last digit are different colours).
  • Numbers in the top left corner of a cage give the sum of orthogonally adjacent cages of a different colour.

Sudokupad link: Click Here

Penpa+ link: Click Here

Lösungscode: Column 6

Gelöst von zzw, vitaminz, tryote, pms_headache, Kworb, rahu, Fisherman, cornish-john, SenatorGronk, lmdemasi, mcc, abadx, Kafkapharnaum, DiMono, Phistomefel, wullemuus, Sotehr, Qodec
Komplette Liste


am 23. November 2024, 15:19 Uhr von Qodec
Ah I love thinky puzzles like these. Very satisfying, thanks!

am 28. April 2024, 22:54 Uhr von Phistomefel
Very cool idea and logic. Thanks a lot!

am 9. Februar 2024, 08:17 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
Beautiful and very creative puzzle, but Flock of Pixels has just become even more intimidating now lol -- no way I'll be able to solve it in one session, but after this one, of course I will just have to give it a shot, I need to see that picture! :D

am 22. November 2023, 09:10 Uhr von tryote
Very nice logic!

am 22. November 2023, 05:49 Uhr von vitaminz
I made a subtraction error on my first try and got quite frustrated that there was no clear path through and in fact no way through at all after brute forcing.
After doing it correctly, I can see that there is a rather elegant solve path. Pretty surprising things could come from this rule set I think.

am 22. November 2023, 00:07 Uhr von zzw
Great puzzle! Has a nice fun flow, and the cage rules interact with the sudoku in new and interesting ways. The math is pretty simple here too, which lets the other logic shine through well.

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:18 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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