Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6 Snakes

(Eingestellt am 15. November 2023, 21:32 Uhr von Die Hard)


Snakes can be hard to see - even in this tiny 5x5 grid!


Fill the grid with the digits 1-5 so that digits do not repeat in rows and columns. Digits in cages must not repeat and must sum to the cage total.

Locate 6 snakes (ie: draw lines connecting orthogonally adjacent cells) that fill the entire grid, each containing a non-repeating subset of the digits 1-5 such that no two snakes contain exactly the same digits. Snakes are not coiled (ie: they do not occupy a 2x2 region) and they do not overlap each other. To help you identify the snakes, there are:

  • 2 Thermo Taipans (digits increase along the snake).
  • 2 Parity Pythons (digits alternate between odd and even).
  • 2 Renban Rattlesnakes (digits form a consecutive sequence in any order).

Play on SudokuPad (disable automatic solution checking, as SudokuPad does not check the location of your snakes).

Please leave a comment if you complete this puzzle.

Lösungscode: 5 digits in the first row.

Gelöst von bansalsaab, mattnburris, jkuo7, Shuhua Milk, Lithusei, Steven R, kublai, Telemak, samuel1997, zzw, Martijn314, Jesper, halakani, Playmaker6174, misko, PippoForte, zakkai
Komplette Liste


am 22. November 2023, 00:45 Uhr von Martijn314
Nice puzzle! Very cool how much logic fits in such a small puzzle. Quite intricate, but more like 3 stars of difficulty for me I think.

am 19. November 2023, 06:27 Uhr von zzw
Very interesting little puzzle! Well, I say little, but it's quite challenging for its size. Nice work!

Bewertung:77 %
Gelöst:17 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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