Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Gattaca [Anti-Clone Fillomino]

(Published on 14. November 2023, 11:15 by MicroStudy)


  • Fillomino: Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally-connected cells such that no two regions of the same size share an edge. Enter a number into each cell equal to the size of its region.
  • Anti-Clone: Regions of the same size must be of different shapes, regardless of rotation or reflection.
  • Arrows: Numbers on arrows indicate the distance to the nearest cell containing the same number in the indicated direction (Adjacent cells are a distance of 1 from each other). Not all arrows are necessarily given.

6x6 Example

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The Actual Puzzle

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Solution code: Row 9

Solved by Steven R, Bellsita, Mr_tn, Isael, jessica6, zzw, tuturitu, MaizeGator, Myxo, Piatato, Jesper, bernhard, GTLSE, jkuo7, KNT, Xendari, topoi, Calesch, Playmaker6174, Franjo, b413x, escutcheon, ... kelly, cameleon, purpl, goodcity, Calvinball, RJBlarmo, tobymgk, Rechless, Chefofdeath, draftstyle, maniacaljackal, Ploctypus, swtyree, LeiZ123321, amb, TheZwierz, Sniper-line, IcyFruit, Kallor
Full list


on 4. January 2024, 20:30 by ascension
Very enjoyable, clever puzzle! I would be delighted to solve another with these rules if you have the urge :)

on 4. December 2023, 16:32 by mathpesto
What a beautiful combination of rules! So many cool implications that came up. Felt like there was also somewhere to look next, never got stuck. :)

on 1. December 2023, 07:39 by kmoter
lovely puzzle from beginning till the end

on 21. November 2023, 19:55 by wisty
Fantastic puzzle! Lovely opening logic followed by a mid-solve that is quite tricky, and a few very memorable moments that I shouldn't spoil in the comments section :)

Also, in regards to filuta's comment, I honestly did not find a single step of this puzzle trivial.

Last changed on 18. November 2023, 09:14

on 18. November 2023, 09:12 by filuta
this is such a great twist to fillomino, solves a bit like recent fillokus by mormagli, but perhaps even cooler, at the same time - to my taste - the puzzle contains just too much mere digit filing as too many deductions are elegant but trivial,

in any case, thanks for such an inspirational creation

on 16. November 2023, 05:30 by Agent
Very cool!

on 15. November 2023, 19:30 by ONeill

on 15. November 2023, 18:28 by Christounet
That ending !! Very fun and clever. I wish I could clone some of that logic in my own puzzles :)

on 15. November 2023, 10:53 by Playmaker6174
lmao what an absolute twisted ending of how the final regions being determined, very cool solve overall x)

on 15. November 2023, 04:41 by topoi

on 15. November 2023, 04:29 by Xendari
So many of the deductions were just crazy! And what is more crazy is how these intricate steps flow so well together. Thank you!

on 14. November 2023, 23:03 by Jesper

on 14. November 2023, 22:26 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle, loads of fun throughout!

on 14. November 2023, 21:25 by Myxo
Awesome puzzle!

on 14. November 2023, 15:50 by zzw
Awesome puzzle! The anti-clone rule leads to a lot of interesting implications. Thanks!

Rating:97 %
Solved:76 times
Observed:11 times

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