Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

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(Eingestellt am 13. November 2023, 22:49 Uhr von IcyFruit)


Normal sudoku rules apply. Along a grey line, for any orange marker on that line, every digit on one side of the marker must be greater than every digit on the other side of the marker. This rule applies to the end of the line in each direction, and the side of the marker which has the greater digits must be determined by the solver. Digits around a black dot must have a ratio of 2:1.

Solve Online (Sudoku Pad)


For a line of length 4 with a marker in the middle, valid combinations include 13/67, 67/13, and 13/66. Invalid combinations include 16/37 (because the 3 is greater than the 1 but less than the 6) and 13/37 (because 3 is not greater than 3).

For a line of length 3 with 2 markers, a valid combination would be 2/4/6. 2/6/4 would be invalid - the left-hand marker is satisfied but the right-hand marker is not.

Lösungscode: Rows 2 and 8

Zuletzt geändert am 17. November 2023, 21:44 Uhr

Gelöst von asver, Myxo, Playmaker6174, ChristmasTapir, Flinty, lmdemasi, Fool on Hill, Banana, The Book Wyrm, tangobunni, mnasti2, Mr.Menace, RubenHofsink, Paletron, b413x, pms_headache, Crul, madhupt, ... widjo, MicroStudy, Xendari, OGRussHood, SKORP17, SterlingWest, Rearden, ZornsLemon, Default, Stevoid31, pjhiatt, Vebby, mappyreales, SirJefferE, dpatti, Uhu, cyddrdrd, NemoBlub, fthompson
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Zuletzt geändert am 7. Januar 2025, 12:15 Uhr

am 7. Januar 2025, 12:10 Uhr von NemoBlub
Link with the solution:

Very hard but really creative puzzle. Great variation on the inequality signs.

am 20. November 2023, 20:52 Uhr von madhupt
A very very hard but very enjoyable puzzle. The logic flowed very smoothly but only after making really intricate deductions along the way. Thanks for sharing this. Would love to see Simon tackle it on CtC.

am 18. November 2023, 13:15 Uhr von Mr.Menace
Again great puzzle! Quite challenging for me, but fun throughout!

am 17. November 2023, 21:44 Uhr von IcyFruit
Reworded rules and added examples.

am 17. November 2023, 21:17 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Beautiful logic - those lines are really interesting and I am sure we will be seeing more of them.

am 15. November 2023, 00:34 Uhr von Cheerful Bird
This was a delightful solve!

am 14. November 2023, 15:41 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Bruh what a twisted variation on inequality signs, though it was great fun all the way through! Thanks for this :)

am 13. November 2023, 23:27 Uhr von Myxo
Awesome puzzle! Really enjoyed it :)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:42 mal
Beobachtet:17 mal

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