Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

All Simples / 断幺九(duàn yāo jiǔ)

(Eingestellt am 14. November 2023, 04:00 Uhr von SparkNights)

"断幺九(duàn yāo jiǔ)" is a yaku in mahjong, literally meaning "without 1 and 9", requiring the entire hand contains 2 to 8 only.


Normal Sudoku Rules partly apply. Place 2 to 8 in the grid so that every row, column and box consists of 7 digits (2 to 8 once each) and 2 blanks.

Kropki Dots: 2 digits seperated by a kropki dot must be consecutive (for white dots) or in 1:2 ratio (for black dots). 2 digits in a single row/column will be considered as "seperated by a kropki dot" if what is between the 2 digits in the corresponding row/column is a full-blank region along with the kropki dot (like: A.B/A.0B/A.00B/A0.0B, 0=blank)

Regions between 2 kropki dots or one kropki dot and the grid's border in a single row or column cannot be full-blank. (like: r5c5/r7c9)

Green Line/Dutch Whisper: Adjacent 2 digits along the green line must differ by ≥4. Digits will be considered as "adjacent" if seperated by a full-blank region along the line. (like: A0B/A00B)

Light-blue Line/Region Sum Line: Digits along region sum lines have the same sum within each box the line passes through. Blanks are regarded as 0 on the light-blue line.

Purple Line/Ranban: Digits along the purple line must form a non-repeating and consecutive sequence in any order. Blanks are not counted to the sequence but may or may not exist on the line. (like: 230/657/504)

Each line must contain at least 2 digits.

Let's Go! (CTC)

Lösungscode: Column 2 and Column 5 (Downwards). Use "0"(zero) for blanks. (18 digits, No non-digit character)

Gelöst von tiantian5933, LCJ1998, vitaminz, Komeiji_Carey, tome_coelho, NightDog, adalg, LuanMerlin, NEWS
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Zuletzt geändert am 28. März 2024, 18:57 Uhr

am 28. März 2024, 18:55 Uhr von NEWS
I did not finish this until I watched vitaminz‘ video. Many thanks. Also, here's the link with the solution in which blanks are filled with 1s and 9s: https://sudokupad.app/2b8d1ad8zj

Zuletzt geändert am 18. November 2023, 05:57 Uhr

am 15. November 2023, 15:48 Uhr von vitaminz
For anyone coming in here still: This is an incredible puzzle with lots of novel logic. I think though that it is perhaps a little harder than advertised (I'd call it 4* but perhaps there is a simpler path than what I found). If you are stuck, I made a video that should let you see the beauty here.

--haha, I've also found that your description of this puzzle rules has special pros. That may be useful for writing rules for my next puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 15. November 2023, 15:44 Uhr

am 14. November 2023, 19:20 Uhr von vitaminz
Hey SparkNights, really loved this puzzle!

I recorded myself solving it and wanted to ask if you minded if I posted it.

--I don't mind

Gelöst:9 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Lösung abgeben

