Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Out of Bounds: 7-zip

(Eingestellt am 13. November 2023, 03:41 Uhr von Sniglett)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1-9 in each row/column/box without repeating.

Sandwich - Clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits between the 1 and 9 in the grid.

Zipper - Digits an equal distance from the center of a purple zipper line must sum to the center number on that line.

German Whispers - Digits along a green line must differ by at least 5, and at MOST 8.

Lines that leave the grid are not limited to the digits 1-9, but must still follow the constraints of the line that they are on.

Solve on Sudokupad(11x11 grid, no solution check in-app)

Lösungscode: Row 8, followed by Column 5. 18 digits no spaces.

Gelöst von tuturitu, StefanSch, SKORP17, tiantian5933, Canyun, Komeiji_Carey, YrBodyIsNothing, Jasura, cornish-john, BeeBoi
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Zuletzt geändert am 13. November 2023, 12:55 Uhr

am 13. November 2023, 06:11 Uhr von Fisherman
Bishop Tutu Ritu won the gold. Now I must hurry it up for a medal.

I wish you the best of luck, friend!

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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