Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stardust 1

(Eingestellt am 5. November 2023, 04:11 Uhr von RedBarchetta)


Normal Sudoku Rules Apply. Normal variant rules do not!

The galaxy is forming, and stars are exploding. The given circles are stars, and the digits on the stardust arrows must sum to the star value in the circle. Each digit/value on the stardust arrows must decrease away from the star and previous digits/values. In other words, consider each arrow head the bulb of a galactic thermometer!

Digits on a white dwarf kropki dot must be consecutive.

Digits on a purple nebula renban cloud must be consecutive AND MUST be in order smallest to largest / largest to smallest as they continue to orbit each other. (for sake of clarity, exactly two digits will not be consecutive with each other on these closed-loop renban lines.)



Play with SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 2 followed by Row 6

Zuletzt geändert am 27. November 2023, 02:43 Uhr

Gelöst von sanabas, jalebc, pepe74287, MonsieurTRISTE, bergelfe, Notlob, lmdemasi, butch02, Wahaj, Megalobrainiac, SKORP17, oshitada, Rook, Tetral, starelev5, MartinR, SSG, DiMono, Crul, zrbakhtiar, Ryx, dingledork, PinkNickels, geronimo92, josemadre, humaLautema, Bulkystapler, PippoForte, flaemmchen, Lodinn, Piff
Komplette Liste


am 11. April 2024, 03:05 Uhr von Bulkystapler
Deserves a much higher rating. Great puzzle, thanks for posting it.

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Februar 2024, 11:02 Uhr

am 20. Januar 2024, 04:01 Uhr von PinkNickels
Not sure why this only has an 80% rating--it was quite fun to solve. thank you!

>> Thank you! It's the the first in a series I am posting. I am happy to hear you liked it. More will be coming soon!

am 16. Dezember 2023, 19:57 Uhr von Ryx
Nice logical flow throughout.

am 27. November 2023, 02:43 Uhr von RedBarchetta
Corrected the Sudokupad link to show the colors better. Same puzzle. Cosmetic changes only.

am 5. November 2023, 04:40 Uhr von RedBarchetta
Added a second link with the correct elements from Sudokulab. It is technically correct, but visually messy. Looking forward to help and comments on building better looking puzzles, thanks!

am 5. November 2023, 04:38 Uhr von RedBarchetta
Added another link with the correct elements built in sudokulab. It's visually a mess but technically accurate. Looking forward to help and comments to publish better looking puzzles, thanks!

Bewertung:82 %
Gelöst:31 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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