Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lavender in the Fog (Zipper Lines)

(Eingestellt am 5. November 2023, 13:49 Uhr von gdc)

This puzzle combines the fog/lines concept of Guess the Renban with Zipper Lines (ruleset from Jaze). It requires you to predict the path of fixed-length Zipper Lines through the fog. Hope you enjoy!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • The grid is partially covered in fog. Placing correct digits reveals clues in the surrounding 3 by 3 area
  • Digits an equal distance from the center of a lavender 'Zipper Line' must sum to the digit in the middle of that line.
  • All Zipper Lines are 5 cells long, only move orthogonally and can't share cells with other Zipper Lines
  • Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.

Play in Sudokupad

Example Puzzle

Here is a 4 by 4 example from Jaze (left) and it's solution (right). Notice how the ends of each line sum to the digit in the center of the line. Additionally, the long line also contains two more sums 4=1+3=1+3=2+2. You can play the example here.

Do you want to solve more?

Here is a collection of other Zipper Line puzzles. Alternatively, you can also search the full LMD archive for the keyword "Zipper" via this query.

  • A Totally Balanced Approach by gdc (LMD, CtC)
  • Set Free by ThePedallingPianist (LMD)
  • Trick Play by VikingPrime (LMD)
  • Unzipped by Marty Sears (LMD)
  • Zippers and Circles by Kitty Trouble (LMD)
  • Whisper Zipper by dorlir (LMD)
  • Zip-tied and locked in a cage by gUBBLOR (LMD)
  • Properly Sized by Jaze (Discord Puzzle Archive)

Lösungscode: Column 1 (9 digits)

Gelöst von lmdemasi, wentel21, NineK, jalebc, abs182, flaemmchen, Megalobrainiac, sukera, sanabas, gaxiolappe, Ragna, Wahaj, bergelfe, escutcheon, TeamSchmidt, DevonTheBroXD, dskaff, seeppp, SKORP17, keesh, ... belnovic, StaticTimeHead, macmillan333, EnbyPanda, ignigomoreno, mbaaz, MrWhite2020, Kyriaas, ThePtrocanfer, ThirdWiseMonkey, UsernameDave, nixxo, ranalloatl2, widjo, stefhoer, Vegan_warior
Komplette Liste


am 4. Januar 2024, 21:04 Uhr von ave
It was lovely, just the right challange for me. (I had problems noticing digits already in the same row.. :/
But I enjoyed this very much! Thank you, gdc!

am 28. November 2023, 07:50 Uhr von cascadeshiker
Very nice solve path. My first puzzle using zipper lines. Clearly they have a lot of potential.

am 22. November 2023, 10:26 Uhr von KingIsulgard
Very approachable puzzle but doesn't resolve too quickly. Nice balance.

am 21. November 2023, 13:58 Uhr von KingIsulgard
Very approachable puzzle but doesn't resolve too quickly. Nice balance.

am 10. November 2023, 17:23 Uhr von Klausku
Elegant and brilliant. Loved it.

am 10. November 2023, 13:00 Uhr von BakBak
Got stuck the first time around. But when i saw this one CtC i knew i had to try again before watching and managed to work my way through.
Great fun. Thanks for setting

Zuletzt geändert am 7. November 2023, 20:05 Uhr

am 7. November 2023, 20:04 Uhr von filz
Wonderful puzzle, really enjoyed this new constraint and path finding! Thank you!

am 7. November 2023, 10:45 Uhr von ForzaFcu
Beautiful puzzle. The flow in this one is perfect.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. November 2023, 02:29 Uhr

am 6. November 2023, 02:20 Uhr von gdc
@ViKingPrime: thanks for the detailed feedback on discord. I added one redundant white dot to smooth out the step you mentioned.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. November 2023, 01:51 Uhr

am 6. November 2023, 01:50 Uhr von ViKingPrime
A delicate path to walk - easy to make assumptions with this one without fully considering the options but fair in what it asks of the solver. Good puzzle! Loved seeing Zippers combined with Fog-of-War.

am 5. November 2023, 22:31 Uhr von Flinty
Beautiful puzzle. Thank you.

am 5. November 2023, 15:37 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle, very good flow. I love zippers. Thanx. :-))

am 5. November 2023, 15:13 Uhr von sukera
This puzzle had a really nice flow to it - the fog makes it really clear what is supposed to be worked on next!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:303 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Rätselvariante Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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