Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

(Eingestellt am 7. November 2023, 12:34 Uhr von Abdul the Killer)

I dedicate this puzzle to all my other puzzles.

SHADING: Cells containing values exactly one greater than an immediate neighbour (diagonal or orthogonal) within their box are shaded. All the shaded cells are given.

ANTI-KNIGHT: Cells a knight's move apart cannot contain the same digit.

ALGEBRA: Each letter, along with "THE", represents a different digit.

MAGIC SQUARE: The central cells of each box form a classic 3 by 3 magic square, containing the digits 1 to 9, each row, column and diagonal summing to 15.

Otherwise standard Sudoku rules apply.

Play on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 1

Zuletzt geändert am 7. November 2023, 15:24 Uhr

Gelöst von Tamuha, michalil, Chelo, SKORP17, jadezki, Banana, mjozska1985, vitaminz, frankpujo, DanishDynamite, dskaff, fuxia, eso, Franjo, Notlob, zrbakhtiar, jhuijts, dtoto, galium_odoratum, iyork, KatiBru, ... A_UserHere, Azumagao, Epsiloneuclid, geronimo92, Virux, TaeChi, LuanMerlin, Koba, alexlovi, Leoninus, atomvic, PippoForte, Carolin, liushong, Kabuki73, Shuhua Milk, timww572, Baklin, sandmoppe
Komplette Liste


am 21. August 2024, 04:24 Uhr von Shuhua Milk

am 27. Dezember 2023, 00:23 Uhr von Virux
WOW. i found this one to be very hard. But damn, once it started flowing it went by fast. Amazing. I think i'll have to solve it once more to fully understand what I did :)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. November 2023, 16:41 Uhr

am 11. November 2023, 03:25 Uhr von Abbott Abbott
It's always fun to see how your variant combines with new rules. I hope your other puzzles enjoy the dedication from this lovely puzzle
---I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the comment.---ATK

Zuletzt geändert am 10. November 2023, 14:08 Uhr

am 9. November 2023, 19:42 Uhr von vitaminz
Great puzzle! I had a lot of fun solving it.

If anyone out there is stuck at a point or would like to watch a solve of this puzzle, I've posted one here: https://youtu.be/NvNBhJiB__w

Fair warning: I've been told by the highest authority that my path was not the intended one at at least one point :)

---I think your video contains some excellent moments of concise explanation. Thanks for the solve and covering my puzzle, good luck with your channel.---ATK

Zuletzt geändert am 10. November 2023, 14:06 Uhr

am 9. November 2023, 12:15 Uhr von ozgaz
Thanks atk - as always a pleasure to solve. The magic square was a nice idea.
---Thanks, I thought that the magic square would make it stupid easy, but no, somehow the puzzle hangs on. I have a couple more with exactly the same ruleset hanging around. See you next time. ---ATK

Zuletzt geändert am 8. November 2023, 18:04 Uhr

am 7. November 2023, 22:22 Uhr von frankpujo
Lovely puzzle as always!
---Thanks for the solve and the generous comment.---ATK

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:50 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal


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