Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Japanese Sums #3: Combination

(Eingestellt am 3. November 2023, 12:57 Uhr von lerroyy)

My final puzzle in this series and the biggest, I hope you'll enjoy it

Yin yang: Shade the 13x13 grid and the row and column above and left to it (until the thin edge) using two colours, such that all instances of each colour are orthogonally connected, and no 2x2 area is completely one colour. The black square is not part f the grid so the shading goes around it.

One of the colours will be filled with some of the digits from 1 to 9 so that no digit repeats in a row or column. The other colour will be filled with fillominos (following the standart rules of fillomino).

A fillomino number may not touch a number of the same value that is part of the other shading.

Outside clues are Japanese sum clues. "?" is a stand in for any digit 0-9, but for a double digit number, the first digit may not be 0. An outside clue can not be 0.

The colour that a cell has in the outside row or column indicates that the Japanese sums of that row or column will be for the cells of the same colour than the cell outside the grid. (if r1c0 is green, then the js in r1 will be for the green cells).

Outside the grid, "..." denotes an arbitrary number of Japanese sum clues. This could be zero, one, or multiple.

In cages numbers must sum to the clue in the top left corner and numbers may not repeat. (You can have 2 digit numbers that have a digit in common, a cage with 33 is valid, a cage with a 2 and 25 is also valid). Odd means that the sum of the numbers in it is odd. Even means that the sum of the numbers in it is even. A jsum cage with no value can have any value but can not be 0.

Solve on penpa+ .

Lösungscode: Column 4 of the 13x13 grid

Gelöst von Christounet, Playmaker6174, Myxo, Jesper, tonald, Statistica, Vebby, MorganLeah, Agent, XIAOYING, Niverio, pkp, Tom-dz
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am 22. Juni 2024, 23:51 Uhr von Agent
Very good puzzle but very easy to make a mistake.

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Dezember 2023, 08:39 Uhr

am 4. Dezember 2023, 08:39 Uhr von Statistica
Hat seeehr viel Zeit gekostet, hat sich aber sehr gelohnt. Grandios!

am 14. November 2023, 11:04 Uhr von tonald
painful and enjoyable

Zuletzt geändert am 8. November 2023, 22:38 Uhr

am 6. November 2023, 08:03 Uhr von tonald
The row and column adjacent the grid need to be colored. Then do the numbers in them need to obey the rules about the colors, that is, some of the numbers are fillominos and others are digits 1-9 that donot repeat in a row or column? @lerroyy

No, the numbers in the row and column adjacent the grid, don't need to respect the rules of the 13x13 grid. r0c1 and r0c2 can both be 1's. Let me know if something is still unclear

I have two other questions. One is: Must a fillomino number be no more than 9? The other is: There is no "..." in some rows and columns. Does this means that all the Js clues in that row or column are in cages? For example, are there exactly 3 clues in r1? If so, what do the c6 and c13 mean, where there are no any clues? Thanks. @lerroyy

A fillomino can be more than 9. In rows where there are no "...", it means that all clues are given. So in r1, there are only 3 jsums. In c6 and c13 there are no clues given so it could be any amount, I could have also placed "..." in them. Hope it's all clear. Let me know if you need more clarification.

am 4. November 2023, 13:31 Uhr von Jesper
Very nice and hard, thanks!

am 3. November 2023, 15:46 Uhr von Myxo
A very hard puzzle, that is interesting all the way through! A cool break-in followed by a lot of intricate little deductions, thanks :)

am 3. November 2023, 14:52 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Phew, that was a wild ride! A very long and consistent solve for me that was also filled with exciting and staggering deductions throughout, that ending gave me a slight chuckle there x)

am 3. November 2023, 13:34 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice puzzle ! Enjoyed following its creation and testing it little by little. Some mindbending logic combining the different constraints. Thanks !

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:13 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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